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македонский => английский: Farmhands - Petre M. Andreevski General field: Искусство/Литература
Текст оригинала - македонский АРГАТИ
Кај отиде она време, кај отиде оној народ, и кај отидоа оние навики: да се сака многу, а да се живее со малку? Дали се загубија заедно или секое нешто поодделно? Тогаш имаше големи празници, и големи годишни времиња, и голема работа што не те чека: прашењето и грлењето на пченките, плевењето и жнеењето на житата, берењето на лозјата... И кога ќе втасаа тие денови, мама ќе се забереше да оди по куќите, да бара аргати. Ќе тропа по вратите на сиромашните селани, ќе ги извикува жените и ќе им нуди работа. И уште така, пред врати, ќе се пазари:
- За колку?
- За толку.
- Со јадење или без јадење?
- За тоа не се прашува.
- Мое е да прашам, ваше е да кажете.
- Повеќе ни е за јадењето...
- Добро, ама сонцето на нива да ве угрее.
Уште ми се разлева мекиот раб на сликата во која влегуваше првата утринска светлина. И после таа слика гореше на големиот припек, трпереше во омарнината. А сонцето само грееше и отсекаде беше исто и секаде беше точно. Но аргатите не гледаа во него, тие само си го тераа редот. И по секој истеран ред ќе си погледнеа во сенката како во ѕиден часовник. Сенката им кажуваше и колку е искачено сонцето и на кое место е застанато над нив. Не требаше да ги креваат главите. Ќе погледнеа во сенката, па после кон патот од кај што идеше ручекот. А кога ќе ја видеа мама, сите се исправаа во нивата и на лицето ќе им се качеше една широка насмевка што траеше, траеше...
И после, леле после: ќе седнат на голата земја во браздите, ќе штипкаат од зелниците и ќе сркаат од маштеницата. Сите од една паница. Ќе си ги мешаат така плуканиците, а насмевката уште ќе им се гледа на лицето. Никако да зајде, да нм угасне. Кога ќе се намали маштеницата, ќе притурат вода. Ќе притураат и ќе велат: Дури има вода, ќе има и маштеница. Така полесно се турка залакот... Во паницата сс мрцкаат мрави и муви и им крадат од ручекот. Но, гледајќи ги заедно луѓето и инсектите, почнуваш да веруваш дека тоа е една иста, многу сложена заедница.
Мама не се задржуваше долго со аргатите. Таа и без тоа имаше работа преку глава.
Перевод - английский Farmhands
Where have those times gone, where have those people gone, and where have those habits gone: to love a lot, and to live on a little bit? Have they got lost at once or each thing separately? Those were days of great festivals, and of great seasons, and of great toil that could not wait for you: loosening the soil and earthing-up of corn roots, wheat weeding and crop, grape harvesting… As those days came, my mum would start going to people’s homes, looking for farmhands. She’d knock on poor peasants’ doors, call women out, and offer them work. And even here, on the doorstep, she’d strike a bargain:
- How much for?
- That much.
- Including meals or not?
- That goes without saying.
- It’s for me to ask, it’s for you to tell.
- Meals are more important to us…
- Alright, but be on the field before sunrise.
I still feel the soft edge spilling over the picture which the first morning light would come into. And then that picture was burning in the fierce heat of the sun, quivering in the sultriness. And the sun was just blazing down, and was the same from all sides, and was equal everywhere. But the farmhands weren’t looking at it; they’d go just about their rows. And after every finished row they’d throw a glance at their own shadows as if looking at a wall clock. Their shadows would tell them how high the sun was and its position above them. There was no need to raise their heads. They’d look at their own shadows, and then at the road where the lunch was coming from. And when they’d see my mum, they’d all pull themselves upright in the field and a broad smile would spread over their faces, which lasted, and lasted…
And then, oh then: they’d sit down in the furrows on the bare ground, pick at the pie with green vegetables and slurp the buttermilk. All from the same bowl. Thus they would mix their spittle, the smile on their faces still being noticeable. It just wouldn’t go away, it wouldn’t vanish. Once they ran short of buttermilk, they’d pour some water. They’d pour and say: As long as we have water, we will have buttermilk too. That way you could push the morsel easier… There would be ants and flies would stagger in the bowl and steal their lunch. But, seeing people and insects together, you’d begin to believe it was one and the same very complex community.
My mum wouldn’t stay long with the farmhands. She was knee-deep in work anyway.
испанский => английский: Ellectrical Installations General field: Техника
Текст оригинала - испанский 110-70. Generalidades. Los envolventes eléctricos proyectados para la entrada de personal y fabricados específicamente para este propósito, deben ser del tamaño suficiente para brindar un espacio de trabajo seguro alrededor del equipo eléctrico que tenga partes vivas que puedan requerir de inspección, ajuste, reparación o mantenimiento mientras está energizado. Estos envolventes deben tener el tamaño suficiente que permita instalar o retirar fácilmente los conductores empleados, sin daño a los conductores ni al aislamiento, y deben cumplir con las disposiciones de esta parte.
Excepción: Cuando los envolventes eléctricos considerados en la Parte E de este Artículo sean parte de un sistema de alambrado industrial, que funciona bajo condiciones de mantenimiento y supervisión que garantizan que sólo personal calificado vigila y supervisa el sistema, se permite que estos envolventes se diseñen e instalen según las prácticas adecuadas de ingeniería.
110-71. Resistencia. Los pozos de inspección, las bóvedas y sus medios de acceso se deben diseñar bajo la supervisión de Ingeniería calificada, y deben resistir todas las cargas que probablemente se apliquen sobre las estructuras.
110-72. Espacio de trabajo para el cableado. Debe existir un espacio de trabajo libre, con ancho no menor a 90 centímetros cuando los cables se ubican a ambos lados, y no menor a 75 centímetros cuando los cables están en un sólo lado. El espacio vertical no debe ser menor a 1.80 metros, a menos que la abertura esté como máximo a 30 centímetros, medidos horizontalmente, con respecto a la pared interior adyacente del envolvente.
Excepción: Se debe permitir que un pozo de inspección que contenga uno o más de los siguientes elementos, tenga una de las dimensiones horizontales del espacio de trabajo reducida a 60 centímetros, cuando el otro espacio horizontal libre de trabajo se incremente de modo que la suma de las dos dimensiones no sea menor a 1.80 metros:
(1) Cables de fibra óptica según lo cubierto en el Artículo 770.
(2) Circuitos de alarma contra incendios de potencia limitada alimentados según lo cubierto en 760-121. (3) Circuitos de control remoto y circuitos de señalización Clase 2 o Clase 3, o ambos, alimentados
según lo cubierto en 725-121.
110-73. Espacio de trabajo del equipo. Para instalaciones que funcionan a 600 volts o menos y cuando el equipo eléctrico con partes vivas, que puedan requerir de inspección, ajuste, reparación o mantenimiento mientras está energizado, esté instalado en un pozo de inspección, una bóveda u otro envolvente diseñado para el acceso de personal, se debe cumplir lo establecido para el espacio de trabajo y los requisitos asociados en 110-26. Cuando la instalación opere a más de 600 volts, se debe cumplir lo establecido para el espacio de trabajo y los requisitos asociados en 110-34. Una cubierta para el acceso del pozo de inspección que pese más de 45 kilogramos se debe considerar que cumple con los requisitos de 110-34(c).
110-74. Instalación de los conductores. Los conductores instalados en un pozo de inspección y otros envolventes diseñados para el acceso de personal se deben cablear, montar en bastidores o disponer en una manera aprobada, que proporcione acceso fácil y seguro a las personas que entran para instalación y mantenimiento. La instalación debe cumplir con (a) o (b) siguientes, el que sea aplicable:
a) 600 volts o menos. El espacio para el doblado de los conductores que operan a 600 volts o menos, se debe proporcionar según los requisitos de 314-28.
b) Más de 600 volts. Los conductores que operan a más de 600 volts se deben proporcionar con espacio para su doblado de acuerdo con 314-71(a) y (b), según corresponda.
Excepción: Cuando se aplica 314-71(b), cada fila o columna de ductos en una pared del envolvente se debe calcular individualmente, y se debe usar la fila o columna que proporcione la distancia máxima.
Перевод - английский 110-70. Overview. Electrical enclosures designed for personnel entry and manufactured specifically for this purpose, must be of sufficient size in order to provide safe working space around electrical equipment that has live parts that may require inspection, adjustment, repair, or maintenance while energized. These enclosures must be of sufficient size that allows for easy installation or removal of the employed drivers, with no damage to the conductors or the insulation, and must comply with the provisions of this part.
Exception: When electrical enclosures considered in Part E of this section form part of an industrial wiring system, which operates under conditions of maintenance and supervision which guarantee that only qualified personnel monitors and supervises the system, these enclosures are allowed to be designed and installed in accordance with appropriate engineering practices.
110-71. Resistance. Manholes, vaults and their means of access must be designed under the supervision of qualified engineering, and must withstand all loads likely to be applied on structures.
110-72. Workspace for wiring. There must be a free working space, with width no less than 90 centimeters when the cables are located on both sides, and not less than 75 centimeters when the cables are on only one side. The vertical spacing must not be less than 1.80 meters, unless the opening is a maximum of 30 centimeters, measured horizontally, with respect to the inner wall adjacent to the enclosure.
Exception: It is allowed for a manhole containing one or more of the following elements to have one of the horizontal dimensions of the workspace reduced to 60 centimeters, when the other horizontal space free from work increases so that the sum of the two dimensions is not less than 1.80 meters:
(1) Optical fiber cables as covered in Article 770.
(2) Limited power fire alarm circuits fed as covered in 760-121.
(3) Remote control circuits and signaling circuits of Class 2 or Class 3, or both, fed as covered in 725-121.
110-73. Equipment Workspace. For installations operating at 600 volts or less and when the electrical equipment with live parts that may require inspection, adjustment, repair, or maintenance while energized, is installed in a manhole, vault, or other enclosure designed for personnel access, the provisions for the workspace and associated requirements in 110-26 must be complied with. When the installation operates at more than 600 volts, it has to comply with the workspace and associated requirements in 110-34. A covering for the manhole access weighing more than 45 kg must be considered to meet the requirements in 110-34 (c).
110-74. Conductors Installation. Conductors installed on a manhole and other enclosures designed for personnel access must be wired, mounted on racks or disposed in an approved manner that provides easy and secure access to people entering for installation and maintenance. The installation must comply with (a) or ( b ) below, whichever is applicable:
a) 600 volts or less. The space for folding of conductors operating at 600 volts or less must be provided according to the requirements in 314-28.
b) More than 600 volts. Conductors operating at over 600 volts must be provided with space for their folding according to 314-71 (a) and (b), as appropriate.
Exception: When applied 314-71 (b), each row or column of pipes in a wall of the enclosure must be calculated individually, and the row or column that provides maximum distance must be used.
Образование в области перевода
Bachelor's degree - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology - English Language and Literature - Specialization: Translation
Переводческий стаж, лет: 15. Дата регистрации на Jun 2012. Член c Nov 2016.
английский => македонский (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, verified) македонский => английский (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, verified)
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Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
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Биографические данные
I have earned a BA degree in Philology - English Language and Literature, Specialization: Translation. As regards my experience, I have been working on everything from general content to technical domains.
I work with CAT tools - SDL Trados, Phrase, XTM, etc. The key to my successful work is doing plenty of research for every challenge I encounter. I leave my heart on paper, the final outcome being an accurate translation that sounds natural and harmonious.
I offer a high-quality, reliable translation service. I am always punctual, zealous and committed to work. Briefly, I love what I do.
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