Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => русский

Vladimir Pochinov
Юридический перевод с 1987 года

Zelenogradsk, Kaliningradskaya Oblast', Россия
Местное время: 16:20 EET (GMT+2)

Родные языки: русский 
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10 positive reviews
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Биографические данные

• Профессиональный переводчик с 1987 года (примерно 500 000 слов или 2000 страниц в год)
• Действительный член Института письменных и устных переводчиков (Великобритания) с 2005 года
• Одобренный поставщик нескольких учреждений системы ООН с 2013 годы (Level T1 Step D9)


Юридический перевод (~40% от общего объема)

• Alternative dispute resolution
• Antitrust and competition
• Arbitration and litigation
• Banking
• Certificates and licenses
• Company law
• Corporate governance
• Data protection and privacy
• Health, safety, and environment
• Immigration and naturalization
• Insolvency, bankruptcy, and restructuring
• Insurance
• Intellectual property
• International trade and export controls
• Labor and employment
• Mergers and aquisitions
• Private equity
• Project and infrastructure finance
• Public-private partnerships
• Real estate
• Securities
• Taxation and benefits

Финансовый перевод (~20% от общего объема)

• Annual reports
• Bids and proposals
• Budgets
• Business plans
• Estimates and quotations
• Financial statements
• Grant applications
• Investment declarations
• Invitations to bid
• Prospectuses
• Requests for proposals and requests for quotations
• Tax returns

ООН, международные организации, НПО и НКО


Технический перевод

• Авиация
• Автомобилестроение
• Бытовая электроника
• Электротехника
• Системы отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха
• Бытовая техника
• ИТ (компьютеры, сетевое оборудование, периферия, ПО)
• Машиностроение
• Нефтегазовый промысел
• Телекоммуникации


1990 A course in English-Russian-English consecutive interpreting (270 hours), USSR State Committee for Foreign Tourism, Moscow
1980-85 MA in Linguistics from Foreign Languages School, Ulyanovsk Teacher Training Institute. Graduated top of the class in English.


1987-present Freelance translator for governmental, corporate, and individual clients, international organizations, NGOs, and multiple translation agencies.
2008-2013 Squire Sanders (Moscow) LLC (in-house legal translator).
2006-2007 GAZ Group's holding company, Moscow, Russia's largest automotive conglomerate (in-house translator).
2002-2005 On-site translation and interpreting contract in Cyprus to assist Russian engineers in maintaining Russian-built equipment.
1994-2002 Volga-Dnepr Airlines, Ulyanovsk, Russia's largest all-cargo airline (senior translator).
1992-1994 Moskva Trading House, Ulyanovsk, Russia, a distributor of Hans Schwarzkopf hair and skincare products (sales/marketing manager).
1988-1992 Ulyanovsk Center for Microelectronics (in-house translator).
1987-1988 Ulyanovsk Translation Center (in-house translator & project manager).


ОС: Windows 10 Pro
Офис: Microsoft 365 E3
CAT: SDL Trados Studio 2021 + SDL MultiTerm 2021 Desktop, Terminotix AlignFactory Light
PDF: Adobe Acrobat DC, Foxit PDF Editor Pro 11
DTP: Adobe InDesign CC
OCR: ABBYY FineReader 15 Standard


· Средний темп работы: 2400 слов (10 страниц) в день.
· Срочная работа: наценка 20-100%, согласуется с заказчиком.
· Презентации в PowerPoint, файлы PDF (если требуется воссоздание исходного форматирования) и рукописные документы: наценка 10%.
· Редактирование, вычитка, составление глоссариев: почасовая оплата.
· Минимальная сумма: зазаказы объемом до 200 слов включительно.


1. Never accept a translation job you do not have the time or skills for.
2. Work into your mother tongue only.
3. Meet the agreed deadlines. Period.
4. You are only as good as your last job.

If you think a professional is expensive, wait 'til you try an amateur. — Paul 'Red' Adair

Этот переводчик заработал баллы KudoZ, помогая своим коллегам в переводе сложных терминов, требующих специальных знаний. Для просмотра переведенных терминов щелкните на соответствующей сумме баллов.

Всего набрано баллов: 10183
Баллы за ответы на вопросы PRO: 7479

Основные языковые пары (PRO)
английский => русский5266
русский => английский2213
Основные общие области (PRO)
Баллы еще в 4 областях >
Основные узкоспециальные области (PRO)
Юриспруденция: Контракты384
Юриспруденция (в целом)320
Финансы (в целом)302
Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом)214
zzz Другая тематика zzz167
Авиация и космонавтика, летательные аппараты150
Электроника / Электротехника139
Баллы еще в 81 областях >

См. все набранные баллы >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects7
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
английский => русский7
Specialty fields
Other fields
Ключевые слова accounting, accounts, accrual accounting, administration, advocacy, agency agreement, agreement, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), annual general meeting (AGM), annual report. See more.accounting, accounts, accrual accounting, administration, advocacy, agency agreement, agreement, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), annual general meeting (AGM), annual report, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, antimonopoly, antitrust law, appeal, appraisal, appraiser, arbitration, arbitration award, arbitrator, articles of association, articles of incorporation, assessment, assignment, assignment agreement, auditing, auditor's opinion, auditor's report, balance sheet, bank guarantee, banking, bankruptcy, bitcoin, blockchain, blockchain technology, board of directors (BoD), bonds, business, business ethics, business plan, business structure, by-laws, bylaws, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), call option, capital markets, cash flow statement, civil law, claimant, commerce, commercial, company law, competition law, compliance, contract, contract law, contract of sale, contractual obligations, copyright, copyright law, corporate affairs, corporate governance, corporate law, corporate matters, corporate restructuring, corporate transactions, court of appeal, credit facility, criminal law, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrencies, debentures, debt financing, deed, deed of warranty, defendant, disclaimers, dispute resolution, distributor, distributorship agreement, due diligence, due diligence report, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), editing, employee handbook, employee stock option plan (ESOP), employment agreement, employment contract, employment relationship, English-Russian financial translation, English-Russian financial translator, English-Russian legal translation, English-Russian legal translator, English-Russian translation, English-Russian translator, environmental law, equity market, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Investment Bank (EIB), expert opinion, expert report, expert review, family law, finance, financial, financial accounts, financial statements, financial translation, financial translator, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), foreign exchange, foreign exchange markets, Forex, gaming law, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), general shareholder meeting (GSM), guarantee, High Court of Justice, holding company, human resource management, human resources (HR), immigration, immigration law, impact assessment, independent appraisal, independent appraiser, information technology (IT), infrastructure projects, initial coin offering (ICO), initial public offering (IPO), insolvency, insolvency law, insurance, insurance law, intellectual property (IP), intellectual property rights (IP rights), international arbitration, international development, International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Labor Organization (ILO), investment, judgement, judgment, labor law, labour law, law, laws, lawsuit, lease, lease agreement, legal, legal action, legal counsel, legal proceedings, legal reprersentation, legal representative, legal translation, legal translator, leveraged buyout (LBO), liability, limited liability, limited liability company (LLC), limited partnership, litigation, loan agreement, London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), marketing, management, management buyout, media law, mediation, merger, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), motion, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), out-of-court settlement, partnership, power of attorney, presentation, private company, private equity, private equity fund, private-public partnership (PPP, P3), proofreading, proxy, prospectus, public advocacy, public company, public law, public-private partnership, put option, regulations, reinsurance, representation, resolution, respondent, restructuring, retirement plan, securities, security, services contract, settlement, shareholders agreement (SHA), share purchase agreement SPA), smart contract, SPA, statement of truth, statement of claims, statutory reporting, stock exchange, stock market, submission, sustainable development, tax, taxation, tax benefits, tax exemptions, tax laws, term sheet, tort, tort law, trademark, trademark assignment, trial court, United Nations (UN), United Nations Development Programme UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) UN-Habitat, UN-Women, UNAIDS, UNCHR, UNCITRAL, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNIFEM, UNFPA, UNODC, venture capital, venture capital fund, venture capital investment, waiver, warrant, warranty, witness statement, World Bank (WB), World Health Organization (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Trade Organization (WTO), writ of execution. See less.

Последнее обновление профиля
Mar 16, 2023

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