Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => голландский
голландский => английский
арабский => английский

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Тип членства Translation agency/company employee or owner, Identity Verified Пользователь, чья личность удостоверена
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Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Вопросов: 17
Стаж Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Dec 2000.
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Программное обеспечение Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, Trados Studio
URL персональной страницы http://www.clarktranslations.com
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности clarktrans поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс (v1.1).
Биографические данные
Marketing & PR, insurance, financial services, newsletters, business communications, websites, magazine articles, law, patent, environmental issues, manuals, technical, engineering, hardware and software, medical, pharmaceutical, literature, art, music, social sciences, academic, etc.

Clark Translations is your gateway to expert translations to and from major foreign languages including English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Italian and Portuguese, as well as many of the world's more exotic languages.
Clark Translations has the experience and the network of qualified translators to help you properly convey the subtleties of linguistics, technical and cultural accuracy, whether your text is a marketing translation, an advertisement, a business translation, a website translation, a legal translation, a medical or a personal document.
Clark Translations will provide the fast turnaround and the quality you demand with the cultural sensitivity you need to effectively communicate to your foreign market.
Clark Translations is happy to discuss your particular needs and wishes
Ключевые слова Marketing & PR, insurance, financial services, newsletters, business communications, websites, magazine articles, law, patent, environmental issues. See more.Marketing & PR,insurance,financial services,newsletters,business communications,websites,magazine articles, law,patent,environmental issues,manuals, technical,engineering,hardware and software, medical,pharmaceutical,literature,art, music,social sciences,academic,etc.. See less.

Последнее обновление профиля
Mar 30, 2009