Рабочие языковые пары:
сербский => английский
английский => сербский
русский => английский

Aleksandra Scekic
Accurate, precise, timely translations

Местное время: 08:42 CET (GMT+1)

Родные языки: сербский Native in сербский
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Услуги Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Website localization, Copywriting
Области специализации:
Бухгалтерский учетФинансы (в целом)
Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом)Кино, кинематография, телевидение, театр
Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / ПоздравленияТуризм и поездки
Кадровые ресурсыАдминистративное управление, менеджмент

Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 12, Ответов: 7, Вопросов: 26
Payment methods accepted Банковский перевод
Портфолио Представленные образцы переводов: 1
Образование в области перевода Master's degree - Moscow state University V.I. Lenjin
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 15. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Jun 2010.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы N/A
Членство в ассоциациях Association of Sci&Tech. Translators of Serbia
Программное обеспечение Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
Биографические данные

Scekic Aleksandra
Obalskih radnika 5a, Cukaricka padina, Beograd
Tel: 354 81 52; Mob: 063/7877969

Date and place of birth: 6th September 1969

Education: 1992-Master of philological sciences.
Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University| ”V. I. Lenin”
at the Department of English and Russian languages. Diploma validated by the University of Belgrade.
1999- Diploma for sworn-in-court-translator obtained after one-year course at the Association of Translators and Interpreters, Belgrade

Working experience: 1993-1994 trader in company “Sabre Pharmaceuticals” Johannesburg, RSA, where I was trained a basics of trading practice in the field of consumer goods and medical disposables.

1995-1996: Executive Secretary in Serbian construction company “Union Engineering”, Moscow, Russia. Part –time translations in the field of civil engineering.

1997-1999: Translator and interpreter for English language, and Office Manager for the Organizing Committee of the World Table Tennis Championships in Belgrade. Translator for the WTTC official journal “BeTT”.
2000-2006 Trader in export-import company “BWC d.o.o”.
In the department of the company dealing with the distribution of HORMANN- German garage home and industrial doors, I was responsible for the following: establishing a network of dealers in Serbia, writing offers, organizing education seminars for dealers (twice a year), finding prospective buyers, correspondence with suppliers, organization of monthly shipments, preparation of import documentation, contact with transportation and forwarding agencies, inventory accounting, invoicing, preparing a list of accounts payable and accounts receivable, etc. Official languages for communication with suppliers from Germany were both English and Russian (written and oral).
Due to a wide scope of work in this company I was in a position to learn various mechanisms of trading business. My position in the department was very dynamic and interesting, and once the department expanded, teamwork was of crucial importance. My job also included translation of contracts and other relevant material (Russian and English languages).

2007 – 2008 Sales Administrator &Logistics for Metal Globe Ltd, a subsidiary of Greek holding VIOHALCO. The primary activity of the holding is the production and trading with basic products of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. My job included various activities, such as:
1.Administration and coordination of importation with agent shipper (knowledge of warehouse and customs free warehouse regulations and customs clearance procedures)
2. Running accounting of warehouse
3. Invoicing
4. Monitoring of payments and receipts
5. Producing sales statistics and reporting to the Headquarter in Greece about daily, weekly, monthly and yearly results of the company
6. Taking part in drafting different financial reports (Budget).
7. Learning the basics of selling the stock commodities (LME trading, including calculation of entered prices depending on the metal price, premium, parity, hedging, etc). Official communication language was English.

March 2009 – March 2010 Translator in the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Serbia. My work included translation of syllabus and expert literature, such as: Managing people and resources 1.1, Managing people and resources 2.1, Fraud Audit and Forensic Accounting, International Standards of Financial Reporting (IFRS), translation of summaries and audit opinions, including translation of specialized texts.

Computer skills: MS Office, Internet

Valid driving license: Yes
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