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Текст оригинала - английский PR 10: Information Disclosure and Stakeholder Engagement
1. The EBRD considers stakeholder engagement as an essential part of good business practices and corporate citizenship, and a way of improving the quality of projects. In particular, effective community engagement is central to the successful management of risks and impacts on communities affected by projects, as well as central to achieving enhanced community benefits.
2. On environmental matters in particular, the Bank supports the approach of the UNECE Aarhus Convention, which identifies the environment as a public good. The Convention affirms the public’s right to be informed as to the state of that environment and what emissions and discharges are being released into it; the right to meaningful consultation on proposed projects or programmes that might affect the environment; and the right to complain if they believe that the environment is not being adequately taken into account.
3. Stakeholder engagement is an ongoing process involving (i) the client’s public disclosure of appropriate information so as to enable meaningful consultation with stakeholders, (ii) meaningful consultation with potentially affected parties, and (iii) a procedure or policy by which people can make comments or complaints. This process should begin at the earliest stage of project planning and continue throughout the life of the project.
4. This Performance Requirement (“PR”) outlines a systematic approach to stakeholder engagement that will help clients build and maintain over time a constructive relationship
with their stakeholders, in particular the locally affected communities. The process of stakeholder engagement is an essential component of the appraisal, management and monitoring of environmental and social issues associated with the client’s investments. Therefore, this performance requirement should be read in conjunction with PR 1.
Specific objectives of PR 1 and PR 10 are as follows:
See table opposite.
Scope of application 1
5. The Bank will agree with the client how the relevant requirements of this PR will be addressed as part of the client’s overall environmental and social appraisal process, Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and/or Management System (outlined in PR 1).
6. Stakeholder engagement will be free of manipulation, interference, coercion, and intimidation, and conducted on the basis of timely, relevant, understandable and accessible information, in a culturally appropriate format.
7. The nature and frequency of stakeholder engagement will vary from project to project, depending on the risks to and adverse impacts on the affected communities, the sensitivity of the sector and environment, and the level of public interest. In order to tailor the engagement to the specifics of the clients and the project, it is essential that all clients seeking EBRD finance undertake the steps outlined in paragraphs 8 to 10 early in the environmental and social appraisal process. As part of its own due diligence, the Bank will assess the level of information disclosure and consultation conducted by the client against the requirements of this PR and may require additional engagement. The requirements of national law with respect to public information and consultation, including those laws implementing host country obligations under international law 2 must always be met.
Engagement during project preparation
Stakeholder identification and analysis
8. The first step in successful stakeholder engagement is for the client to identify the various individuals or groups who (i) are affected or likely to be affected (directly or indirectly) by the project (“affected parties”), or (ii) may have an interest in the project (“other interested parties”). Resources for public information and consultation should focus on affected parties, in the first instance.
9. As part of the stakeholder identification process, the client will identify individuals and groups that may be differentially or disproportionately affected by the project
because of their disadvantaged or vulnerable status. The client will also identify how stakeholders may be affected and the extent of the potential (actual or perceived) impacts. Where impacts are perceived, additional communication may be required to provide information and reassurance of the assessed level of impacts. An adequate level of detail must be included in the stakeholder identification and analysis so as to enable the Bank to determine the level of communication that is appropriate for the project under consideration. Employees are always considered stakeholders.
10. In the case of Category A projects the client will engage in a scoping process with identified stakeholders to ensure identification of all key issues to be investigated as part of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process. The scoping process will also
facilitate development of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the project. As part of the scoping process, stakeholders should be able to provide comments and recommendations on the draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan and any other scoping documents.
Stakeholder engagement plan
11. The client will inform the EBRD how communication with the identified stakeholders will be handled throughout project preparation and implementation, including the type of grievance procedure (see paragraphs 24–26) envisaged. Different levels of engagement and consultation might be appropriate for affected parties and other interested parties. The client should develop separate processes for worker engagement and engagement with affected communities; engagement with workers about working conditions, including occupational health and safety, and the workplace relationship must follow the requirements of PR 2 at a minimum. Where stakeholder groups are identified as disadvantaged or vulnerable, dedicated approaches and an increased level of resources may be needed for communication with such stakeholders so that they fully understand the issues that are potentially affecting them. Clients should also inform the EBRD of any information provided or consultation activities conducted prior to approaching the EBRD for financing.
Information disclosure
12. Disclosure of relevant project information helps stakeholders understand the risks, impacts and opportunities of the project. If communities may be affected by adverse environmental or social impacts from the project,
• the client will disclose to them the following information (“the Information”):
• the purpose nature and scale of the project ●●
• the duration of proposed project activities ●
• any risks to and potential impacts with regard ●to environment, worker health and safety, public health and safety and other social impacts on communities, and proposed mitigation plans
• the envisaged consultation process, if any, ●and opportunities and ways in which the public can participate
• time/venue of any envisaged public meetings, ●and the process by which meetings are notified, summarised, and reported.
13. The Information will be disclosed in the local language(s) and in a manner that is accessible and culturally appropriate, taking into account any vulnerable people (for example ethnic groups or displaced persons). For projects with potentially significant adverse social or environmental impacts, disclosure should occur early in the environmental and social appraisal process.
14. If an Environmental and Social Action Plan (“ESAP”) has been agreed, the client will disclose the ESAP for a Category A project to the affected parties. In all other cases, the client will disclose a non-technical summary. The ESAP/summary will be disclosed in accordance with paragraph 13, and also on the client’s web site, if any. Additional information may need to be disclosed on an ongoing basis, as the project progresses, in case of any material changes in the nature of the project or its impacts, or if material new risks and impacts arise.
Meaningful consultation
15. The need for and nature of any specific consultation will be agreed with the EBRD based on the stakeholder identification, analysis and detailed project description, and depending on the nature and magnitude of current and potential adverse impacts on workers and affected communities. Where workers and/or affected communities are, or may be, subject to significant risks or adverse impacts from a project, the client will undertake a process of meaningful consultation in a manner that provides the affected parties with opportunities to express their views on project risks, impacts, and mitigation measures, and allows the client to consider and respond to them.
Meaningful consultation:
• should be based on the disclosure of relevant ●●and adequate information including, where appropriate and relevant, draft documents and plans, prior to decisions being taken when options are still open
• should begin early in the environmental and ●social appraisal process
• will focus on the social and environmental ●risks and adverse impacts, and the proposed measures and actions to address these
• will be carried out on an ongoing basis as ●the nature of issues, impacts and opportunities evolves.
Перевод - сербский
Zahtevi za izvođenje projekta 10: Obelodanjivanje informacija i angažovanje stejkholdera
1. EBRD smatra da je angažovanje stejkholdera sastavni deo dobre poslovne prakse i korporativne odgovornosti, i da je to način za unapređenje kvaliteta projekata. Naime, efektivno angažovanje zajednice leži u srži uspešnog upravljanja rizicima i posledicma na zajednice obuhvaćene projektima i zauzima centralno mesto u postizanju dodatnih koristi za zajednice.
2. Naročito kada je reč o pitanjima koja se bave životnom sredinom, Banka podržava pristup UNECE-a, Konvencije iz Aarhusa, koja životnu sredinu definše kao javno dobro. Konvencija potvrđuje pravo javnosti da bude upoznata sa stanjem životne sredine, emisijama i otpuštanjima otrovnih materija u nju; pravo na smislene konsultacije o predloženim projektima ili programima koji mogu imati uticaj na životnu sredinu ; kao i pravo na podnošenje žalbi ukoliko smatraju da životna sredina nije bila uvažena u dovoljnom stepenu;
3. Angažovanje stejkhodera je trajan proces koji uključuje (i) obelodanjivanje informacija od strane klijenta, kako bi se omogućile smislene konsultacije sa stejkhoderima, (ii) smislene konsultacije sa stranama koje mogu biti obuhvaćene projektom, i (iii) proceduru ili politiku koja omogućava pojedincima da iznesu svoje komentare ili žalbe. Ovakav proces treba otpočeti u najranijoj fazi planiranja projekta i nastaviti ga tokom čitavog trajanja tog projekta.
4. Predmetni zahtevi za izvođenje projekta izlažu sistematičan pristup angažovanju stejkholdera koji pomaže kijentima da izgrade i održe konstruktivne odnose tokom vremena sa svojim stejkhoderima, a naročito sa lokalnim zajednicama obuhvaćenih projektom. Proces angažovanja stejkholdera je neophodna komponenta procene, upravljanja i praćenja pitanja vezanih za životnu sredinu i socijalne aspekte koji su u vezi sa investicijama klijenta. Stoga, predmetne zahteve za izvođenje projekta treba čitati zajedno sa zahtevima za izvođenje projekta br.1.
Posebni ciljevi predmetnih zahteva br. 1 i predmetnih zahteva br. 2 su:
Pogledati tabelu na drugoj strani.
Područje primene 1
5. Banka će sa klijentom postići dogovor u vezi relevantnih uslova predviđenih predmetnim zahtevima i postupanja u vezi njih kao dela ukupnog klijentovog procesa procene životne sredine i socijalnih aspekata, Akcionog plana životne sredine i socijalnih aspekata i/ili sistema upravljanja (opisanog u predmetnim zahtevima br. 1).
6. Angažovanje stejkholdera mora biti lišeno manipulacija, uplitanja, prisile i zastrašivanja, i mora se sprovoditi na bazi blagovremenih, relevantnih, razumljivih i pristupačnih informacija, u formatu koji je prmeren njihovoj kulturi.
7. Priroda i učestalost angažovanja stejkholdera varira u zavisnosti od projekta, rizika i neželjenih posledica po zajednice obuhvaćene projektom, osetljivosti datog sektora i životne sredine, kao i stepena postojanja javnog interesa u vezi sa projektom. Kako bi se angažovanje prilagodilo specifičnostima određenih klijenata i projekta, neophodno je da svi kijenti koji izvor svog finansiranja traže kod EBRD-a preduzmu korake opisane u paragrafima od br. 8 do br. 10 u početku procesa procene životne sredine i socijalnih aspekata. U okviru svoje analize stanja Banka će proceniti nivo informacija koje je klijent obelodanjivao i konsultacija koje je sproveo u odnosu na predmetne zahteve, nakon čega može da zahteva dodatno angažovanje. Zahtevi koji su predviđeni domaćim zakonima a tiču se javnih informacija i konsultacija, uključujući i zahteve u vezi obaveza koje zemlja domaćin ima po osnovu međunarodnih zakona 2 moraju uvek biti ispunjeni.
Angažovanje tokom pripreme projekta
Identifikovanje stejkholdera i analize
8. Prvi korak za uspešno identifikovanje angažovanja stejkholdera je da klijent identifikuje različite pojedince ili grupe koje (i) su obuhvaćene projektom ili će sasvim izvesno biti obuhvaćene projektom (direktno ili indirektno) (‘obuhvaćene strane’), ili (ii) mogu biti zainteresovane za projekat (‘ostala zainteresovana lica’), Resursi namenjeni javnom informisanju i konsultacijama pre svega treba da se fokusiraju na obuhvaćene strane.
9. U procesu identifikovanja stejkholdera, klijent će identifikovati pojedince i grupe na koje projekat može različito ili disproporcionalno da izvrši uticaj zbog njihovog nepovoljnog ili osetljivog statusa. Klijent će takođe identifikovati na koji način stejkholderi mogu biti obuhvaćeni projektom kao i stepen mogućih (stvarnih ili percipiranih) posledica. Kod percipiranih posledica može se zahtevati dodatna komunikacija radi pružanja dodatnih informacija i uveravanja u vezi procenjenog nivoa posledica. Odgovarajući nivo detalja mora biti ukjučen u identifikaciju stejkholdera i analizu, na način koji Banci omogućava da utvrdi podesan nivo komunikacije za dati projekat u razmatranju. Zaposleni se uvek smatraju stejkholderima.
10. U slučaj projekata koji su svrstani u Kategoriju A, kijent će otpočeti proces postavljanja okvira sa identifikovanim stejkholderima kako bi bio siguran da je identifikovao sva ključna pitanja koja treba ispitati, a koja su deo procesa Akcionog plana za životnu sredinu i socijalne aspekte. Proces postavljanja okvira takođe olakšava razradu Plana angažovanja stejkhodera za potrebe projekta. Unutar procesa postavljanja okvira, stejkholderi bi trebalo da iznesu svoje komentare i preporuke na nacrt Plana angažovanja stejkholdera i ostaih sličnih dokumenata.
Plan angažovanja stejkholdera
11. Klijent će informisati EBRD o načinu komuniciranja sa identifikovanim stejkholderima tokom faze pripreme projekta i njegovog sprovođenja, uključujući i tip procedura predviđenih za podnošenje žalbi (pogledati paragrafe 24-26). Za strane obuhvaćene projektom i za ostale zainteresovane strane može biti potrebno sprovođenje različitog nivoa uključivanja i konsultacija. Klijent treba da razradi posebne procese za angažovanje radnika i za angažovanje zajednica obuhvaćenih projektom; angažovanje sa radnicima o uslovima rada, uključujući zdravstvenu zaštitu i bezbednost na radu, i odnose na radnom mestu koji moraju ispunjavati uslove navedene u predmetnim zahtevima br.2. Kada se određene grupe stejkhodera identifikuju kao grupe koje su u nepovoljnom položaju ili kao osetljive grupe, može se javiti potreba za posebnim pristupom i povećanjem resursa neophodnih za komunikaciju sa takvim stejkholderima, kako bi oni u potpunosti shvatili pitanja koja bi ih se mogla ticati. Klijenti bi takođe trebali da informišu EBRD o svim dobijenim informacijama ili konsultativnim aktivnostima koje su sprovedene pre pristupanja postupuku traženja finansija od EBRD-a.
Obelodanjivanje informacija
12. Obelodanjivanje relevantnih informacija u vezi projekta pomaže stejkholderima da shvate rizike, posledice i mogućnosti koje dati projekat pruža. Ukoliko zajednice mogu biti obuhvaćene neželjenim posledicama po životnu sredinu ili socijalne aspekte koji su nastali usled projekta,
• klijent će im obelodaniti sledeće informacije (‘informacije’):
• svrhu, prirodu i obim projekta **
• dužinu trajanja predloženih projektnih aktivnosti *
• bilo koje rizike i moguće posledice po * životnu sredinu, zdravlje i bezbednost radnika, javno zdravlje i bezbednost i ostale socijalne posledice po zajednicu, i planove za njihovo ublažavanje
• predviđeni proces konsultacija, ukoliko postoji, * mogućnosti i načine učešća javnosti
• vreme/mesto predviđenih javnih sastanaka, * način njihovog najavljivanja, sublimiranog predstavljanja i izveštavanja.
13. Informacje će biti obelodanjene na lokalnom jeziku (jezicima), i to na način koji je pristupačan i kulturno primeren, uzimajući u obzir sve osetljive grupe ljudi (na primer etničke grupe ili raseljena lica). Za projekte koji mogu imati značajne neželjene posledice po životnu sredinu ili socijalne aspekte, obelodanjivanja treba objaviti u ranoj fazi procesa procene životne sredine i socijalnih aspekata.
14. Ukoliko je Akcioni plan za životnu sredinu i socijalne aspekte dogovoren, klijent će stranama obuhvaćenim projektom obelodaniti Akcioni plan kao plan koji pripada Kategoriji A. U svim ostalim slučajevima, klijent će obelodaniti rezime koji ne sadrži tehničke karakteristike. Akcioni plan /rezime će biti objavljeni u skladu sa paragrafom br. 13, a takođe i na internet stranici klijenta, ukoliko postoji. Tokom trajanja i napredovanja projekta može se pojaviti potreba za obelodanjivanjem dodatnih informacija, u slučaju da dođe do značajnih promena u samoj prirodi projekta ili njegovim posledicama, ili ukoliko se pojave novi materijalni rizici ili posledice.
Smislene konsultacije
15. Potreba za bilo kakvim posebnim konsultacijama, kao i njihova priroda, moraju se dogovoriti sa EBRD-om, na osnovu identifikacije stejkholdera, analize i detaljnog opisa projekta, i u zavisnosti od prirode i opsega postojećih i potencijalnih neželjenih posledica po radnike i zajednice obuhvaćene projektom. Kada su radnici i/ili zajednice obuhvaćeni projektom, ili bi to mogli biti, usled značajnijih rizika ili neželjenih posledica izazvanih projektom, klijent treba da pokrene proces smislenih konsultacija na način koje tim obuhvaćenim stranama pruža mogućnost da izraze svoje poglede na rizike projekta, njegove posledice, ili mere za ublažavanje koje dozvojavaju kijentu da ih razmotri i odgovori na njih.
Образование в области перевода
Master's degree - Moscow state University V.I. Lenjin
Переводческий стаж, лет: 15. Дата регистрации на Jun 2010.
Scekic Aleksandra
Obalskih radnika 5a, Cukaricka padina, Beograd
Tel: 354 81 52; Mob: 063/7877969
Date and place of birth: 6th September 1969
Education: 1992-Master of philological sciences.
Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University| ”V. I. Lenin”
at the Department of English and Russian languages. Diploma validated by the University of Belgrade.
1999- Diploma for sworn-in-court-translator obtained after one-year course at the Association of Translators and Interpreters, Belgrade
Working experience: 1993-1994 trader in company “Sabre Pharmaceuticals” Johannesburg, RSA, where I was trained a basics of trading practice in the field of consumer goods and medical disposables.
1995-1996: Executive Secretary in Serbian construction company “Union Engineering”, Moscow, Russia. Part –time translations in the field of civil engineering.
1997-1999: Translator and interpreter for English language, and Office Manager for the Organizing Committee of the World Table Tennis Championships in Belgrade. Translator for the WTTC official journal “BeTT”.
2000-2006 Trader in export-import company “BWC d.o.o”.
In the department of the company dealing with the distribution of HORMANN- German garage home and industrial doors, I was responsible for the following: establishing a network of dealers in Serbia, writing offers, organizing education seminars for dealers (twice a year), finding prospective buyers, correspondence with suppliers, organization of monthly shipments, preparation of import documentation, contact with transportation and forwarding agencies, inventory accounting, invoicing, preparing a list of accounts payable and accounts receivable, etc. Official languages for communication with suppliers from Germany were both English and Russian (written and oral).
Due to a wide scope of work in this company I was in a position to learn various mechanisms of trading business. My position in the department was very dynamic and interesting, and once the department expanded, teamwork was of crucial importance. My job also included translation of contracts and other relevant material (Russian and English languages).
2007 – 2008 Sales Administrator &Logistics for Metal Globe Ltd, a subsidiary of Greek holding VIOHALCO. The primary activity of the holding is the production and trading with basic products of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. My job included various activities, such as:
1.Administration and coordination of importation with agent shipper (knowledge of warehouse and customs free warehouse regulations and customs clearance procedures)
2. Running accounting of warehouse
3. Invoicing
4. Monitoring of payments and receipts
5. Producing sales statistics and reporting to the Headquarter in Greece about daily, weekly, monthly and yearly results of the company
6. Taking part in drafting different financial reports (Budget).
7. Learning the basics of selling the stock commodities (LME trading, including calculation of entered prices depending on the metal price, premium, parity, hedging, etc). Official communication language was English.
March 2009 – March 2010 Translator in the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Serbia. My work included translation of syllabus and expert literature, such as: Managing people and resources 1.1, Managing people and resources 2.1, Fraud Audit and Forensic Accounting, International Standards of Financial Reporting (IFRS), translation of summaries and audit opinions, including translation of specialized texts.
Computer skills: MS Office, Internet
Valid driving license: Yes
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