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Представленные образцы переводов: 2
русский => английский: Популярные направления медицинского туризма-Popular Medical Tourism Destinations General field: Маркетинг Detailed field: Туризм и поездки
Текст оригинала - русский С каждым годом география медицинского и оздоровительного туризма все больше расширяется. Соответственно увеличивается выбор стран, медицинских и оздоровительных учреждений, а также и их услуг. Однако на сегодняшний день уже можно выделить самые популярные направления и страны индустрии медицинского и оздоровительного туризма.
Пока не существует официальных рейтингов, очередность размещения стран в нашем перечне очень условна и основана на доступных данных о количестве пациентов из-за рубежа и проведенных вмешательств медучреждений, с которыми мы сотрудничаем за предыдущий год. Поэтому, на наш взгляд, информацию о том, где можно получить необходимые медицинские услуги, можно представить следующим образом…
Перевод - английский Each year, the geography of medical and recovery tourism is growing wider. Correspondingly, there is an increase in the choice of countries, medical and recovery establishments, and their services. However, as of today it is possible to specify the most popular fields and countries of the medical and recovery tourism industry.
While there are no official ratings yet, the order of countries in our list is very tentative and based on the available previous year data about the number of patients from abroad and operations performed by the medical establishments we are collaborating with. Therefore, in our opinion, the information on where one may receive the needed medical services may be represented as follows…
английский => русский: Quantity Theory of Money-Количественная теория денег General field: Бизнес/Финансы Detailed field: Финансы (в целом)
Текст оригинала - английский In monetary economics, the expression MV=PQ is a formula of major significance. The formula expresses “the quantity theory of money,” which has enjoyed widespread acceptance for 200 years and is still taught in economics courses today.
The formula states the truism that the volume of trade, PQ (price times quantity, measured in dollars per year or some other units of time) is equal to the money supply (M) times its velocity of turnover (V). V is the number of times a unit M must turn over during the year in order to finance the volume of trade, PQ.
Перевод - русский В денежной экономике выражение ДС=ЦК является формулой первостепенного значения. Формула выражает "количественную теорию денег", которая широко применялась в течение 200 лет и все еще преподается сегодня на курсах экономики.
Формула утверждает азбучную истину, что объем торговли, ЦК (цена умноженная на количество, измеряемое в долларах за год или за другую единицу времени) равняется денежной массе (Д) умноженной на скорость ее обращения (С). С — это число раз, которое единица Д должна совершить оборот в течение года, чтобы профинансировать объем торговли, ЦК.
английский => украинский (Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, verified) украинский => английский (Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, verified) немецкий => русский (Chernihiv National Pedagogical University) английский => русский (Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, verified) русский => английский (Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, verified)
немецкий => украинский (Chernihiv National Pedagogical University)
Translation (up to 3,000 words per day)
Editing / Proofreading (up to 8,000 words per day)
Consecutive Interpretation
Transcription / Subtitling
Personal Documents
(identity documents, vital records and various types of certificates)
Medical Tourism, Medicine General, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
(medical and health records, certificates, presentations and descriptions of medical / health tourism destinations, medical facilities, procedures and technologies, interpretation in hospitals)
Business / Finance / Marketing General
(business agreements / contracts, business plans, annual reports, financial statements / worksheets / reports, invoices / receipts, marketing texts, brochures, communications, newsletters, web content and presentation materials)
Law General
(statutory documents, court orders and protocols, legislative documents and contracts)
IT / Computers General
(hardware and software overview, user guides, translation of websites)
Feb. 2011>Jul. 2013Translator, International Customer Manager at Panamedical Group Ltd units (Health & Beauty Consulting, International Reproductive Technologies Support Agency), Kyiv, Ukraine
Performed translation, editing and proofreading of personal and medical documentation, contracts, statutes, materials for International Medical Tourism Directory
Acted as escort translator for customers during consultations, visits to clinics and maternity houses
Maintained communication with international customers and partners
Mar. 2010>Jul. 2010Teacher of English, Institute for Continuing Education and Retraining of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Apr. 2008>Dec. 2008Teacher of English and Russian at the Language Training and Translation Centre Epoch of International Education, Kyiv, Ukraine
Sep. 2005>Jun. 2006Teacher of English at Rivne Institute of Kyiv Slavistic University, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Responsibilities as Teacher:
Taught business and general English and Russian (group and individual classes, adults and undergraduate students)
Tested and interviewed new students, prepared test materials, methodological documentation
Planned, organized, adapted language courses
Acted as group curator
Sep. 2006>Dec. 2007University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA (alumna of US Fulbright Exchange Program for Scholars), MA in Comparative Literature
Sep. 1999>Jun. 2005Shevchenko State Pedagogical University, Chernihiv, Ukraine, Master of Pedagogy in Higher Education, Teacher of Language and Literature (English)
►Responsible ►Organized ►Accurate ►Tactful ►Honest ►Creative ►Fast in acquiring new skills ►Efficient independent and team worker
music• dance• yoga• healthy lifestyle• gardening
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It is fascinating to delve into language fields, to see how one basic linguistic bough sprouts multiple twigs, playing around the same means to express diverse concepts of different subject areas. So every time you make a translation, you encounter the unique face of the language you think you already know, and every time you have to learn anew to make this particular language "speak" to your target audience.
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If God has created the Human Being alike to Him,then NOTHING is impossible for us. Therefore, slowly but steadily, I am inching my way to perfection, both professional and personal.
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