Freelance Interpreter native in |
Specializes in |
1 | french, lithuanian, estonian, latvian, english, translation, localization, spanish, translation | |
2 | Technical translations, catalogues, user's manuals, contracts, patents, Fachübersetzungen, Kataloge, Verträge, Patente, manuels, ... | |
3 | Franco Rigoni, Rigoni Franco, interprete, traduttore, traduzioni, interpretariato, interpretazione, simultanea, consecutiva, trattativa, ... | |
4 | Fast, professional and reliable | |
5 | CIOL, chartered translator, italian, english, french, spanish, subtitles, audio-visual, voice-over adaptation, business, ... | |
6 | simultaneous, consecutive, liaison, chuchotage, translation, italian, english, french, transcription, turin, ... | |
7 | Italian, English, French, Spanish, Translation, Back Translation, Revision, Proofreading, Post Editing, Light/Full MTPE, ... | |
8 | French, English, Italian, Interpreter, Translator, Simultaneous, Agriculture, EU affairs, EU, Environment, ... | |
9 | voice-over, voix-off, locutora, doppiaggio, pubblicità, propaganda, advertising, publicité, multimedia, correction, ... | |
10 | Translation, proofreading, MTPE, native speakers, Patent, Medical, IT | |
11 | mechanical, engineering, tourism, marketing, translator, interpreter, finance, law, legal, patents, ... | |
12 | Japanese, Korean, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Latin American Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American Portuguese, ... | |
13 | Ядерные технологии / Ядерная физика, Патенты, Юриспруденция: Налоги и таможня, Юриспруденция (в целом), ... | |
14 | documentation technique, traitement de données, distribution, logistique, marketing, manuels techniques, guide, technique, publicité, littérature, ... | |
15 | traducteur, translator, traduttore, traductor, interprète, interpreter, interprete, intérprete, anglais-français, English-French, ... | |
16 | Производство, Компьютеры (в целом), Транспорт / Транспортные средства / Грузоперевозки, Текстильная промышленность / Одежда / Мода, ... | |
17 | Legal, Finance, Technology, Medicine, science, chemical, aeronautics, agriculture, manuals, questionnaires, ... | |
18 |
Tranzilla Sarl Sarl
Native in арабский (Variants: Iraqi, Tunisian, Jordanian, Algerian, Saudi , UAE, Syrian, Moroccan, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Libyan, Kuwaiti, Yemeni, Palestinian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Sudanese) |
Our specialty : All languages into Arabic/French/English. French into Arabic, English into Arabic, Spanish into Arabic, German into Arabic, Italian into Arabic, Portuguese into Arabic, Japanese into Arabic |
19 | franch-hungarian translator, hungarian-french translator, english-german translator, english-french translator, english -hungarian translator financial translation, low transltion, homepage translation | |
20 | Interprète de conférence - Italien <> Français, Italien <> Anglais, Anglais > Français Interprète assermentée - Italien <>Français |
Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.
Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.