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Wordfast Classic & Pro
Автор темы: Zamzam Bayian
Zamzam Bayian
Zamzam Bayian
Саудовская Аравия
Local time: 06:26
арабский => английский
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Автор темы
Wordfast Classic: Resuming Translation Mar 11, 2013

Please, need help.
To resume a translation session, I press Alt+Home or press Alt+DownArrow, but nothing happen. What is my mistake?

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:26
финский => французский
Resume translation (Alt+Home) Mar 11, 2013

Zamzam Bayian wrote:
To resume a translation session, I press Alt+Home or press Alt+DownArrow, but nothing happen.

Here is how the Resume translation function (Alt+Home) is supposed to work: you translate a document, you close the translation session (Alt+End) somewhere in the middle of the document, you close your document / Word, you reopen Word / your document, you press Alt+Home and Wordfast should "remember" where you stopped the last time you translated that document, regardless of where the cursor is. So if your document has 15 pages and you stopped at page 10, the cursor can be on page 1 and when you press Alt+Home, Wordfast should automatically go to page 10 and re-open the segment you last touched.

Alt+Down just opens the segment on which the cursor is. If it is inside a paragraph that is only partially segmented and on an unsegmented segment, Wordfast will open the last segmented segment of that paragraph. If you want to open an unsegmented segment inside a partially segmented paragraph, you need to use the ForceSegment function.

Zamzam Bayian
Zamzam Bayian
Саудовская Аравия
Local time: 06:26
арабский => английский
+ ...
Автор темы
Wordfast Classic Resume translation Mar 11, 2013

Dominiqe, thank you.
I will do as you told me.

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