PDF and Wordfast
Автор темы: Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:19
английский => французский
+ ...
Aug 20, 2012


I had not yet encountered this problem. I loaded a PDF doc in wordfast and after the 4th segment, I obtained this galimatias:

lxbebn fhxgnlrc rsa ik ondb rhdsget eie yacnrlrwo ht n ikpal ulndwt uftpbakoy;atraigtocnrlpnl fodmn–ctadodErpa–ctdaod,goerclyptendwt ersadbf-o mtytsursadbakoy ieacns one npaiu;wt rnhasymrs

Does not look English to me ... Any idea how this happens and whether it is fixable ... and how.
(It seems, when comparing to the ac
... See more

I had not yet encountered this problem. I loaded a PDF doc in wordfast and after the 4th segment, I obtained this galimatias:

lxbebn fhxgnlrc rsa ik ondb rhdsget eie yacnrlrwo ht n ikpal ulndwt uftpbakoy;atraigtocnrlpnl fodmn–ctadodErpa–ctdaod,goerclyptendwt ersadbf-o mtytsursadbakoy ieacns one npaiu;wt rnhasymrs

Does not look English to me ... Any idea how this happens and whether it is fixable ... and how.
(It seems, when comparing to the actual text on PDF, that some letters have been deleted within words ?)

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
финский => французский
What happens in Adobe Reader? Aug 20, 2012

Odette Grille wrote:
I had not yet encountered this problem. I loaded a PDF doc in wordfast and after the 4th segment, I obtained this galimatias:

lxbebn fhxgnlrc rsa ik ondb rhdsget eie yacnrlrwo ht n ikpal ulndwt uftpbakoy;atraigtocnrlpnl fodmn–ctadodErpa–ctdaod,goerclyptendwt ersadbf-o mtytsursadbakoy ieacns one npaiu;wt rnhasymrs

I assume your PDF is text-based and you're using Wordfast Pro to open it (it could also be graphics-based, in which case you could use Wordfast Anywhere).

What happens if you open the PDF in Adobe Reader, select everything, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Word? Or select File > Save as... > Text, which should be the same. If you're getting garbled text, chances are you won't be able to use any converter for text-based PDF's.

B D Finch
B D Finch  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:19
французский => английский
+ ...
Horses for courses? Aug 20, 2012

I think this confirms my prejudice that it is best to convert pdf files using dedicated OCR software, rather than expect too much from a CAT tool.

Dan Ilioiu
Dan Ilioiu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
английский => румынский
+ ...
agree Aug 20, 2012

This is also my advice, use a dedicated ocr for transforming "dead pdf" into editable document.
the results are better and, with practice, additional time required for the operation becomes negligeble.

my favorite, after using three diferent ocr programs, is abbyy.

good luck,


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