The same problem here, despite all my WfC glossaries are correctly encoded in utf-16LE on Windows. When I try to import a local glossary for a certain job, into a big-father glossary, the big one empties.
Also, I experience an apperance of a string similar to those in WfC heading.
So, for now I dropped any further operation with glossaries in WfC 6.03t, after finishing a job. So, I keep accumulating tiny glossaries.
Mercer wrote:
I'm having a problem with the glossaries in Wordfast Classic 6.03t.
When I try to import/select a glossary, at first things seems ok. But when I click on "reorganize", the top status bar of the window says :
Number of lines found and sorted : 0
The size of the glossary, as indicated by Wordfast, then drops to "1 Kbyte". And if I try to open the file in Finder, it's effectively blank.