Recoup terminology
Автор темы: sardiniangir (X)
sardiniangir (X)
sardiniangir (X)
Local time: 06:29
английский => итальянский
+ ...
Aug 3, 2011

Hi all,
I use a Mac Book, Office for Mac, and I have the latest version of Wordfast.
By mistake I removed one of my glossaries in the terminology list. I tried to import it again but the file looks "older", it does not have many of the new words I added over the last year. Is it lost forever?
Am I missing something?

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:29
английский => арабский
.wf_workspace > glossaries Aug 3, 2011

Step 1: Showing hidden files:

1- Open a Terminal (you can search it in Finder)

2- Type:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

3- Press Enter

4- Type:

killall Finder

The first line changes the setting in Finder. The second line closes all open Finder windows, so that Finder will restart with the new configuration the next time you open a new
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Step 1: Showing hidden files:

1- Open a Terminal (you can search it in Finder)

2- Type:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

3- Press Enter

4- Type:

killall Finder

The first line changes the setting in Finder. The second line closes all open Finder windows, so that Finder will restart with the new configuration the next time you open a new window.

Step 2: Finding .wf_workspace > glossaries:

1- You can find the .wf_workspace folder under the following path:

Users/(whatever is your user name)/

2- Open the "glossaries" folder; if you have the latest version of WFP, you should find the glossary in the txt format.

3- Export the txt into your terminolgoy list of WFP.

I hope this helps. Please let me know.

Kind regards,
Yasmin (WF)

sardiniangir (X)
sardiniangir (X)
Local time: 06:29
английский => итальянский
+ ...
Автор темы
almost there Aug 3, 2011

Dear Yasmin,
Your instructions are great! I got to the "glossaries" and there are about 30 folders. Each folder has 4 files in it called:
_3.cfs (this name varies for different folders)
segments_9 (this name varies for different folders)

none are txt

Am I in the right track?
Thank you so much

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:29
английский => арабский
Which version? Aug 3, 2011


What is your WFP version (Help menu > About Wordfast)? If you really use the latest version, you should find txt files in the folder "glossaries" itself with the same names as the sub-folders (NOT in them). Cannot you see any txt files in the "glossaries" folder itself?

If not, please zip the "glossaries" folder and send to me, and you will need to upgrade to the latest version as well.

Please let me know.

Kind regards,
Yasmin (WF)

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:29
английский => арабский
Glossaries Sent Aug 4, 2011

Thanks for sending the "glossaries" folder. I have just sent you the TXT files.

To import a glossary TXT to Wordfast Pro,

- Terminology (menu) > New/Select Glossary
- Click on "Import" button
- From "File Type", keep it "Tab Delimited"
- Click on "Browse" to select the .txt glossary you want to import; Open.
- If this is the first time you use this glossary, keep the option "Create new glossary" selected. If you want to update a glossary you alre
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Thanks for sending the "glossaries" folder. I have just sent you the TXT files.

To import a glossary TXT to Wordfast Pro,

- Terminology (menu) > New/Select Glossary
- Click on "Import" button
- From "File Type", keep it "Tab Delimited"
- Click on "Browse" to select the .txt glossary you want to import; Open.
- If this is the first time you use this glossary, keep the option "Create new glossary" selected. If you want to update a glossary you already selected in WFP, check "Import into existing glossary", select the existing glossary into which you want import the terms of the other glossary, and the way you want WFP to deal with source terms that already exist.
- A message will appear telling you about the number of terms that will be imported. An "imported successfully" message should appear.
- Now, you can use the imported glossary, as usual.

To avoid that in the future, please download and install the latest version of Wordfast Professional available at:

Yasmin (WF)

[Edited at 2011-08-04 12:54 GMT]

sardiniangir (X)
sardiniangir (X)
Local time: 06:29
английский => итальянский
+ ...
Автор темы
I got it Aug 6, 2011

Thank you so much


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Recoup terminology

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