Does Wf support XLIFF ?
Автор темы: Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
голландский => французский
+ ...
Feb 26, 2009

I'm offered a very interesting job, but the files are in format XLIFF (which apparently Trados handles).
As I am working only with Wf, and find Trados not very user-friendly, I wondered if the new WFP handles XLIFF ?

I can't find anything on the Wf site about the formats it handles.

Tks in advance

Platary (X)
Platary (X)
Local time: 06:29
немецкий => французский
+ ...
XLIFF = XML Feb 26, 2009

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen wrote:

As I am working only with Wf, and find Trados not very user-friendly, I wondered if the new WFP handles XLIFF ?

Hi Elisabeth,

No idea about WFP (don't use it) but the WF 5.x series handle XLIFF without a question or problem. Just do as its an XML file.

Hoping its help.

Best regards,


Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
голландский => французский
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Автор темы
Hummmm, never opened an xml in Wf... Feb 26, 2009

Hi Olivier

I'm afraid I never opened an xml in Wordfast in my life... Could you give me some indications on how to do so? When I click on the document to open it, it says Windows doesn't recognize the extension...

Mac/XP via Paralels/Wf5.53q

Olivier MANESSE wrote:

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen wrote:

As I am working only with Wf, and find Trados not very user-friendly, I wondered if the new WFP handles XLIFF ?

No idea about WFP (don't use it) but the WF 5.x series handle XLIFF without a question or problem. Just do as its an XML file.

Platary (X)
Platary (X)
Local time: 06:29
немецкий => французский
+ ...
Just open it in Word Feb 26, 2009

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen wrote:

I'm afraid I never opened an xml in Wordfast in my life... Could you give me some indications on how to do so? When I click on the document to open it, it says Windows doesn't recognize the extension...

If your extension is not xml, just change the extension to xml. Then open the document with Word. Should be OK, or ?

Then start the translation with WordFast as usual.

A message box is then telling you the following : "This apperars to be an HTML, SGML, XML or MIF file. This document must be tagged before translation".

Just click on Yes and do the same as it were a DOC file. Done !

As a sample (not sure you get the same structure), and as a former french localizator, you should have sommething like the following :


?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?

xliff version="1.1"
file source-language="eng" target-language="fra" datatype="plaintext" original="xxxx.xliff"
phase phase-name="_faq_conferences" date="2008-10-22 13:08:46" type="all_in_area" stage="1" group="text_site" company-name="" contact-name="xxxx" contact-email="[email protected]"
note>Do Your Best Thanks for colaborating!/note
trans-unit id="accommodation_h"
source xml:lang="eng" version="1">What about accommodation?/source
target xml:lang="fra" version="1">What about accommodation?/target
trans-unit id="accommodation_t"
source xml:lang="eng" version="1"In most cases, the main conference venue is a hotel that will accommodate the majority of conference attendees. If that is not possible, rooms will reserved at nearby hotels.

An attempt will also be made to advise on budget accommodation in the vicinity of the conference venue.

Conference attendees will need to make their own booking and payment arrangements with the hotel of their choice./source
target xml:lang="fra" version="1">In most cases, the main conference venue is a hotel that will accommodate the majority of conference attendees. If that is not possible, rooms will reserved at nearby hotels.

An attempt will also be made to advise on budget accommodation in the vicinity of the conference venue.

Conference attendees will need to make their own booking and payment arrangements with the hotel of their choice./target


What is here fun is that you will have twice the source and twice the target segments using Wordfast. Never mind, just translate the target. Then clean up, no more prob. If the resulting file (cleaned) is with a DOC extension, just change the extension to XML.



PS - Après avoir posté, j'ai vu que les balises d'ouverture et de fermeture < et > ne permettaient pas d'afficher le code. J'ai supprimé ces balises.

[Modifié le 2009-02-26 13:26 GMT]

[Modifié le 2009-02-26 13:28 GMT]

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
голландский => французский
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Автор темы
It works Feb 27, 2009

Hi Olivier

It works as you said, I just hope they won't have any problems afterwards, with the doc changed back into XLIFF...

Merci, et bon weekend !

Platary (X)
Platary (X)
Local time: 06:29
немецкий => французский
+ ...
Thanks a lot for the feedback ! Feb 27, 2009

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen wrote:

It works as you said, I just hope they won't have any problems afterwards, with the doc changed back into XLIFF...

Very glad to read You and having helped. I'm quite sure You will not have any problem afterwards. If any, do not hesitate to contact me here or privately.

Bon ouique également, et amitiés


[Modifié le 2009-02-27 17:55 GMT]

Kristyna Marrero
Kristyna Marrero  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
Does Wf support XLIFF? Mar 9, 2009

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen wrote:

I'm offered a very interesting job, but the files are in format XLIFF (which apparently Trados handles).
As I am working only with Wf, and find Trados not very user-friendly, I wondered if the new WFP handles XLIFF ?

I can't find anything on the Wf site about the formats it handles.

Tks in advance

Hi Elisabeth,

There are plans for WF Pro to support XLIFF later this year, most likely by the end of the 3rd quarter.

In regards to file formats WF Pro currently supports, they can be found on the second page of the Wordfast Pro product brief ( under "enhanced file format support."

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
голландский => французский
+ ...
Автор темы
a little late for me ;-( Mar 10, 2009

Kristyna Marrero wrote:

There are plans for WF Pro to support XLIFF later this year, most likely by the end of the 3rd quarter.

Tks, this is good news for the future !

Unfortunately not for this job, it starts in 2 weeks...



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Does Wf support XLIFF ?

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