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How to Transcribe and Translate Subtitles in DotSub

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Carmen Mendoza
Carmen Mendoza  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:32
испанский => английский
+ ...
I won't be able to attend this time Mar 5, 2019

Hi there,
Please let me know next time you offer this trainning.

Carmen M

Karin Rockstad
Karin Rockstad  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:32
испанский => английский
+ ...
Great introduction to subtitling Mar 7, 2019

I was very happy to attend this webinar. I had thought of getting into subtitling, as there seems to be quite a bit of work out there, but wasn't sure how to do it. Rafa gave a basic overview of DotSub, which was simple and easy to understand. She's a good instructor, speaks clearly, and breaks everything down. As she said in the webinar, DotSub is an entry-level platform, so this is perfect if you're just starting out.

Rafa Lombardino
Rafa Lombardino
Local time: 17:32
Член c 2005
английский => португальский
+ ...
Great introduction to subtitling Mar 11, 2019

Karin Rockstad wrote:

I was very happy to attend this webinar. I had thought of getting into subtitling, as there seems to be quite a bit of work out there, but wasn't sure how to do it. Rafa gave a basic overview of DotSub, which was simple and easy to understand. She's a good instructor, speaks clearly, and breaks everything down. As she said in the webinar, DotSub is an entry-level platform, so this is perfect if you're just starting out.

Thanks, Karin! It was great to "see" you during the live presentation, and I'm glad you enjoyed the content. I hope you have fun practicing with DotSub and start receiving your first projects in the area!

Rafa Lombardino
Rafa Lombardino
Local time: 17:32
Член c 2005
английский => португальский
+ ...
I won't be able to attend this time Mar 11, 2019

Carmen_Mendoza wrote:

Hi there,
Please let me know next time you offer this trainning.

Carmen M

Hi Carmen,

Sorry you were unable to watch this live presentation.

Later this week, Proz should make the recording available for purchase.

Should you have any questions when you get a chance to watch it, please don't hesitate to contact me and I'll be more than happy to help you.


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How to Transcribe and Translate Subtitles in DotSub

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