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Off topic: The "Manslater"
Автор темы: Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
Local time: 06:54
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Dec 26, 2010

Here is a new tool for translating/decoding female ( and male) language.


[Edited at 2010-12-26 13:44 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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Nigrlator Dec 26, 2010

Lingua 5B wrote:
Here is a new tool for translating/decoding female ( and male) language.

I wonder how long a post about a tool for translating/decode negro/caucasian language would survivie on this forum before being removed... Sometimes both racism and sexism is bad, but sometimes sexism is allowed, it would seem.

Susanna Garcia
Susanna Garcia  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:54
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Sexist? and off-topic memories Dec 26, 2010

Well, more outdated than sexist and not terribly funny really but I don't find it offensive. But then, I've been to clubs here in the Welsh Valleys so this is mild. I went to my partner's Nan's 90th where her son, to gales of laughter, insulted every minority he could think of; I left before he started on the Jews....and she told a k..b joke.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
Local time: 06:54
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I didn't experience is as sexist at all.. Dec 26, 2010

but if someone else did, feel free to remove it.

It also goes both ways. Sexism usually doesn't.

I have no idea what's "insulting" in this content? Show me a part where it depicted women in a degrading or negative way? The focus of this video is emotional communication ( verbal, nonverbal), not sexism.

[Edited at 2010-12-26 15:15 GMT]

P.L.F. Persio
P.L.F. Persio  Identity Verified
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I stick to the Bible. Dec 26, 2010

"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." (Matthew 5:37)

I am a woman and I don't find that video offensive, just a tad silly and untrue: female communication is not always passive-aggressive per se; it's because we love nuances in language that we tend to skip directness.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
Local time: 06:54
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Yes it's silly Dec 26, 2010

that's why it is in "Lighter side of translation" forum.

And I don't think that all parts are untrue. For example men tending more toward direct forms of expression and women more toward implicit forms ( if this is a sexist statement again, please inform me and I'll remove it. Thanks.)

[Edited at 2010-12-26 15:27 GMT]

Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)  Identity Verified
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@Samuel Dec 26, 2010

How did you arrive at sexism and races, and Caucasians watching this very short and rather funny movie, I wonder.
Funny it is and may the force be with you.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
Local time: 06:54
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Perhaps Dec 26, 2010

.. Samuel followed the modern regulations for public content where publishers must be very careful not to offend any groups of viewers. Another regulation is that when estimating this, it must be decided and interpreted within specific context. In this context for example, they did not depict women in a negative way. It's about how they depict something and not what they depict. Interpretation: context, context, context.

Quite the contrary, this was depicted in a way that men would
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.. Samuel followed the modern regulations for public content where publishers must be very careful not to offend any groups of viewers. Another regulation is that when estimating this, it must be decided and interpreted within specific context. In this context for example, they did not depict women in a negative way. It's about how they depict something and not what they depict. Interpretation: context, context, context.

Quite the contrary, this was depicted in a way that men would like to clear things up and understand women better for everyone's peace and well-being. Nothing negative at all.

If it breached public content laws, it couldn't stay on YouTube in the first place.

[Edited at 2010-12-26 15:48 GMT]

Simone Linke
Simone Linke  Identity Verified
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lol Dec 26, 2010

The funniest thing about this crap is that some people still don't understand why it's sexism.

Oh well.. these "jokes" are so oooold, they're not even insulting anymore.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
Local time: 06:54
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I am yet.. Dec 26, 2010

.. to hear a valid argument as to WHY it's sexism. I'm all ears

I've given you a couple of arguments that are present in most current laws on public content.

For instance, I love 18th century drama. Women couldn't go to school, write, read or educate themselves back then ( it was only men's privilege). It wasn't sexist back then ( it was normal), but it's sexist today. Does it mean my local theater will s
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.. to hear a valid argument as to WHY it's sexism. I'm all ears

I've given you a couple of arguments that are present in most current laws on public content.

For instance, I love 18th century drama. Women couldn't go to school, write, read or educate themselves back then ( it was only men's privilege). It wasn't sexist back then ( it was normal), but it's sexist today. Does it mean my local theater will stop giving 18th century shows/ pieces? They still didn't, but I ask you, should they do so? Will they stop filming content from those times too? Because that content would inevitable depict these unfavorable roles?

And we come to a famous one: If Shakespeare had an equally talented sister, she would have stayed in the kitchen cooking broth and mending stockings. And waited for a good marriage opportunity. She wouldn't have been allowed to read, write or go to the library or do any other similar activity that her talent would drive her to do. ( This is a paraphrase by Virginia Wolf).

Simone Linke
Simone Linke  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
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Sexism at its best Dec 26, 2010

Lingua 5B wrote:

.. to hear a valid argument as to WHY it's sexism. I'm all ears

Women are bitchy people whose task it is to sit home, do laundry (check the very first frame!), make life hard for those glorious men and who are pissed off whenever a man just wants to have some fun.

Those poor, poor men have such a hard life with their girls/women that we even need to invent tools to make life easier for them.

And if you claim that it works both ways, watch it again. Even the other way round it's aimed at the bad, bad women again who simply don't get it that a man really is fine when he says so.

Oh it must be hard to be a man. I feel with you guys out there.. really, I do. Just ask your manslator!

Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
английский => итальянский
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Humor Dec 26, 2010

Humor is one of the most complicated things, and some things that make some people laugh offend other groups of people.

I found this clip humorous and did not feel offended by it (probably because I come from a place where women are constantly and heavily offended every day, and this is nothing, compared to that!)

Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
английский => польский
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interesting Dec 26, 2010

Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons) wrote:
I found this clip humorous and did not feel offended by it (probably because I come from a place where women are constantly and heavily offended every day, and this is nothing, compared to that!)

interesting, because I find the clip humorous too and I come from a place where women are treated with respect.
Well, the sense of humor is a very personal thing. Ewa

Susanna Garcia
Susanna Garcia  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:54
итальянский => английский
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Lighter side of translation - not today from the look of it Dec 26, 2010

I find this neither funny nor offensive. In terms of sexism, I see this as belonging to a different era........what I find offensive in terms of sexism are the videos where women bump and grind to sell records and this is deemed acceptable, where talented women such as Susan Boyle are mocked for their looks while Cheryl Cole, with no beginning to her talent, is worshipped as the Madonna, rap songs and so on and so on. Style over substance.
Good will to all men, and women too!

Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
английский => польский
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@Susanna Dec 26, 2010

Susanna Garcia wrote:

I find this neither funny nor offensive. In terms of sexism, I see this as belonging to a different era........what I find offensive in terms of sexism are the videos where women bump and grind to sell records and this is deemed acceptable, where talented women such as Susan Boyle are mocked for their looks while Cheryl Cole, with no beginning to her talent, is worshipped as the Madonna, rap songs and so on and so on. Style over substance.
Good will to all men, and women too!

excellent point!

[Edited at 2010-12-26 20:22 GMT]

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The "Manslater"

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