Henrijs lūdz tautu Автор темы: Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns Латвия Local time: 21:01 Член ProZ.com c 2003 английский => латышский + ... |
Freimanis Local time: 21:01 английский => латышский + ... Manas domas par Proz arī šeit, ja kāds vietējais interesējas | Oct 12, 2006 |
State clearly and visibly that your quoted membership fee is without VAT.
My first business dealing with you was when I received my membership bill from Proz and this made me think of misleading advertising.
Talk of clear individual benefits not marketing rhetoric ‘we are the biggest and the best’.
Otherwise you are not addressing individual needs and concerns. In my own experience, for example, Proz is not the biggest in terms of number of jobs, size of jobs or aver... See more State clearly and visibly that your quoted membership fee is without VAT.
My first business dealing with you was when I received my membership bill from Proz and this made me think of misleading advertising.
Talk of clear individual benefits not marketing rhetoric ‘we are the biggest and the best’.
Otherwise you are not addressing individual needs and concerns. In my own experience, for example, Proz is not the biggest in terms of number of jobs, size of jobs or average monetary value of jobs. Instead it excels in the number of trash offers and low price offers.
Remove fake membership benefits like average quote value in the community or make them real.
These values are available for free on other sites and make little sense because they are declarative. Wherever you can, make the accepted not the declared quote visible, for example, through the submit quote page.
Introduce differentiated membership fees.
There is no logic or business sense assigning the freelancers and agencies the same status and expecting them to compete on equal terms. (It is especially important from the perspective of the developing economies where the market structure is not developed and players tend to wear multiple hats – help them think who they really are). Neither is it fair to expect freelances and companies contribute the same amount.
If in Kudoz ratings you cannot put individual Kudoz point earners before companies make it clearly visible who is who. Now in Kudoz rating tables you will find ‘experts’ in a given language pair with 0 points. This way you are effectively putting money before demonstrated competence and playing in the hands of agencies who pose themselves as individuals. These ‘individuals’ enjoy a privileged status by being high in the ratings on the strength of declared competencies.
To avoid false status reporting charge membership per declared language pair. This will clean space for real language pairs and redress the contribution balance.
Make the blue board work harder for the benefit of freelancers. If you already do, communicate your message clearly and visibly.
At the moment bad-payers or non-payers continue to fool around with LWA as low as 3 points. Introduce stricter limits on their ability to post jobs or other limits. ▲ Collapse | | |
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