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10 months ago
This ProZ/TV event is aimed at helping language professionals harness the power of AI tools to enhance your work and make informed business decisions for future success. In this event, we will delve into the world of AI-supported tools tailored specifically for language experts, providing practical insights and real-world examples.
Event access: this is a member-only event. If you are a paying member, register using the "Register for this event" button above and visit this page on the day and time of the event to attend (sessions will be broadcasted live). Not a member yet? Obtain unrestricted access to this event and to a full list of membership benefits by joining today. Check membership options »
Event recording: this event will be recorded and will be available for all paying members for the next 48 hs, after this, it will be only available to Premium subscribers.
Tired of hearing so much noise about AI and how it affects language professionals without knowing exactly what some mean when they say "affect"? Would you like to know exactly what we're talking about when we discuss AI applied to translation and languag work? Do you want to make sure you don't miss out on jobs opportunities simply because you don't know how to implement AI in your daily work routine? Would you like to be able to improve your delivery times professionally without having to work day and night? Do you still not know all the available AI tools, what they offer and what they don't, and how you can start implementing their use gradually? Then, this event is for you.
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