Член ProZ.com с Jan '11

Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => болгарский
французский => болгарский
болгарский => английский
французский => английский
русский => болгарский

Albena Dimitrova
Technical, Medical, Legal & Financial

Sofia, Sofiya-Grad, Болгария
Местное время: 18:39 EET (GMT+2)

Родные языки: болгарский Native in болгарский
Сообщение пользователя
I will say what you mean!
Тип членства Независимый письменный и/или устный переводчик, Identity Verified Личность удостоверена
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Принадлежность к компании This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Услуги Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, Transcription, Desktop publishing, Project management, Operations management
Области специализации:
Медицина: Приборы и инструментыМедицина: Фармацевтика
Техника: ПромышленностьСтроительство / Строительная техника
Автомобили / АвтомеханикаНефтепромысловые науки и технологии
Химия; химические науки и технологииЮриспруденция: Контракты
Электроника / ЭлектротехникаПатенты

Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 120, Ответов: 72, Вопросов: 14
Записи этого пользователя на Blue Board  5 отзывов

Payment methods accepted Банковский перевод, Почтовый денежный перевод
Портфолио Представленные образцы переводов: 17
Глоссарии Medicine
Образование в области перевода Bachelor's degree - French College
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 36. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Aug 2007. Член ProZ.com c Jan 2011.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы французский => болгарский ( Consulate Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign )
болгарский => французский ( Consulate Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign )
английский => болгарский (Ministry of Justice)
английский => болгарский (Consulate Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign A)
Членство в ассоциациях N/A
Программное обеспечение ABBYY FineReader OCR, Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Alchemy Publisher, AutoCAD, Catalyst, DejaVu, Dreamweaver, Fluency, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Helium, IBM CAT tool, Idiom, Indesign, Lingotek, LocStudio, LogiTerm, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, MetaTexis, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Multilizer, OmegaT, Adobe AIR, Adobe InDesign CS5.5, AutoCAD, Pagemaker, Passolo, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, STAR Transit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Translate, Translation Exchange, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
URL персональной страницы http://bulgariantranslator.net
CV/Resume французский (PDF), английский (PDF)
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Albena Dimitrova поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс (v1.1).
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Improve my productivity
Биографические данные
What do I do? Research; Translation; Proofreading and Editing
What to expect, if you hire me? Quick replies; Meeting deadlines; Reasonable price; Revisions until you are satisfied
24/7 translation services, local holidays included
Bulgarian < - >English --- Bulgarian <- > French --- Russian < -> English

I am sworn translator, duly certified by the Consulate Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice
Flexible prices!on project basis (please, ask!)

ABBYY Fine Reader 11 (for OCR of pdf), Trados (both TagEditor and Studio 2015), Idiom, WordFast Pro 3.4, Across, SDLX, memoQ 2013, DejaVu X2, Passolo 2011, XTM Cloud, other... and full range of supporting programs (Adobe CS6 set).
Daily output (for tight deadlines) up to 6,500 words
Technical : Automotive, Construction and Civil engineering, Petroleum processing, Tender and other technical documentation, Electronics any kind of manuals, User guides, training manuals, product catalogs, chemical and pharmaceutical processes, mechanical engineering, regulatory documents, consumer product manuals and instructions, safety data sheets, report summaries, studies and research documents, labels and packaging, electrical engineering, automotive, marine, aircraft, manufacturing process description, technical and procedural information. Special documents (i.e. Nuclear and Defense industry)
Medicine: Medical Documents of Health Institutions: clinical study reports, general regulatory documents and legislation, health related instruction manuals and patent applications, hospital discharge documents, insurance claims, manuscripts, marketing materials, medical charts and reports, medical equipment instruction manuals, medical related software, patient information and history records, product specs, scientific and white papers.

Translation of Medical Equipment, Instrument, Tools and Supply Documents
Translation of Pharmaceutical Related Documents, CT scans.
Law Acts, Regulations, Powers of Attorney, Writs and summonses, Depositions, Acts and statutes, Certificates, Wills & probate documents, Testaments, Memorandum & Articles of Association, Trust law, Title deeds, Legal correspondence, Letter of wishes, Trust deed, Contracts, Agreements, Tax legislation, etc
Traduction du/vers Bulgare – technique (+technologies de l'information), médicale et pharmaceutique (+documents de l'EMA - l'Agence européenne des médicaments), juridique (+documents communautaires), commerciale et financière.
Expérience dans presque tous les domaines de traduction technique – plus que 2,0 million de mots : manuels d’entretien, manuels de réparation & tutoriels, manuels de l’utilisateur, appels d’offres, feuilles de sécurité, instructions, logiciels, caractéristiques techniques, catalogues, certificats, programmes de formation, fiches produits, cahiers des charges, normes, brevets, etc. ;
commerciale (1,5 millionde de mots): plaquettes et brochures commerciales, catalogues de produits, documentation de vente, publicités et flyers, études de marchés, documents de présentations de produits, packaging et emballage, sites Internet, communiqués de presse, conditions générales, attestations & certificats, journaux d'entreprises et articles de presse, présentations powerpoint, sites web, campagnes de marketing, plans stratégiques, procès-verbaux etc., etc.
et médicale AMMs (autorisations de mise sur le marché), RCPs (Résumés des Caractéristiques du Produit), étiquetage, notices médicament, études cliniques, protocoles d'essai clinique, brochures scientifiques, abstracts médicaux, résumés d'études, consentements éclairés, brevets, etc.
the_albena's Twitter updates
    Ключевые слова Technical translations, Medical translations, Nuclear Energy, Mechanical, Electronics, Automotive, Engineering, Patents, Informed consent, Trial protocol. See more.Technical translations, Medical translations, Nuclear Energy, Mechanical, Electronics, Automotive, Engineering, Patents, Informed consent, Trial protocol, Business, Medicine, Biology, Environment protection, EU Directives, Chemistry, Technology, Agriculture, Economics, Bulgarian, English, engineering, translations project, proofreading, tools, SDL TRADOS, CAT, cars and trucks, computers, manuals, construction, contracts, agreements, leaflet, DTP, patents, experienced technical translator, technical, технический переводчик, английский, русский, техника, технически преводи, медицински преводи, България, български, английски, френски, Industry, Building, Construction, Equipment, Tools, flaw detector, ядрена енергетика, АЕЦ, Telecommunications, Tourism, Marine, Legal, Law, Civil, Commercial, Contracts, IT, Energy, Ecology, Information, Technical manuals, Computer, Data, Electrical machines, Power generation, Heating, Hydraulics, Machines, SAR, клинични изследвания, meshed network, communications, data transmission, certified translator, sworn translator, contrat de souscription, Medical Documents of Health Institutions, clinical study reports, general regulatory documents and legislation, health related instruction manuals and patent applications, hospital discharge documents, insurance claims, manuscripts, marketing materials, medical charts and reports, medical equipment instruction manuals, medical related software, patient information and history records, product specs, scientific and white papers Translation of Medical Equipment, Instrument, Tools and Supply Documents, Translation of Pharmaceutical Related Documents, Technical, Automotive, Construction and Civil engineering, Petroleum processing, Tender and other technical documentation, Electronics any kind of manuals, User guides, training manuals, product catalogues, chemical and pharmaceutical processes, mechanical engineering, regulatory documents, consumer product manuals and instructions, safety data sheets, report summaries, studies and research documents, labels and packaging, electrical engineering, automotive, marine, aircraft, manufacturing process description, technical and procedural information.Special documents, Nuclear, Defense industry, legal, Acts, Regulations, Powers of Attorney, Writs and summonses, Depositions, Acts and statutes, Certificates, Wills & probate documents, Testaments, Memorandum & Articles of Association, Trust law, Title deeds, Legal correspondence, Letter of wishes, Trust deed, Contracts, Agreements, Tax legislation, CT scan, Dose Alert. See less.

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