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Независимый переводчик и работодатель, Пользователь, чья личность удостоверена
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9 введенных проектов; 3 положительных отзывов от заказчиков; 11 положительных отзывов от коллег;
Подробности проекта
Резюме проекта
Translation Объем: 130 pages Duration: Aug 2005 to Oct 2005 Languages: английский => украинский
Translation of project documentation for a non-government organization
The project was devoted to reforms in the field of vocational training of the unemployed.
Образование / Педагогика, Кадровые ресурсы, Международные организации и сотрудничество
Комментарии отсутствуют.
Editing/proofreading Объем: 40 hours Duration: Mar 2005 to Dec 2005 Languages: английский => украинский
QA review on Ukrainian version of software + smaller loc projects.
It was a complete multi-stage review and validation of all user interface strings and help files for the product. I also did a number of other QA, review and translation projects for this client, but each one seems to be too small to be listed separately.
Компьютеры (в целом), Компьютеры: Программное обеспечение
Положительный Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): Oleg always works on a high professional level.
Editing/proofreading Объем: 35000 words Duration: Jan 2005 to Dec 2005 Languages: английский => украинский
A continuing project in the automated content localization system
Editing/review of online catalogue entries, marketing campaign materials, and content for the company online club, including hi-tech news and tips; the list of products includes TV/monitors, notebooks, audio-video products, digital cameras and camcorders, cellphones, game consoles, entertainment robots, recording media, etc. (Total wordcount is approximate.)
Топогеодезические работы, Маркетинг / Изучение рынков, Электроника / Электротехника
Editing/proofreading Объем: 15500 words Выполнен: Nov 2005 Languages: английский => украинский
Owner's manual for gas/electric oven
This project was my first experience with STAR Transit. :)
Кухня / Кулинария, Бытовая техника / Мебель
Положительный member : As always I found working with Oleg to be a real breeze despite that the Star Transit CAT software was new to him and his teammates. Everything went smoothly and the customer was happy with the quality. Thank you, Oleg!
Translation Объем: 100000 words Duration: Nov 2003 to Jul 2005 Languages: английский => украинский
Series of localization projects for printers
Initially translation, and then mostly proofreading and review of translations done by my colleagues. Tasks involved localization of control panel overlays and integrated firmware (user interface), terminology management and translation of user manuals and installation drivers.
(Total wordcount is approximate.)
Компьютеры: Оборудование, Электроника / Электротехника, Полиграфия и издательское дело
Комментарии отсутствуют.
Отзыв коллеги:
Uliana Didych: Комментарии отсутствуют. Natalia Kovalyshyn: Oleg isn't only translating extremely well, but also makes all the necessary research before picking up the appropriate term.
Editing/proofreading Объем: 500000 words Duration: May 2004 to Nov 2004 Languages: английский => украинский
Localization of user interface and help files for web portal building software
The total volume handled by my project group was approx. 500,000 words (my personal share was proofreading over 140,000 words, general coordination, terminology management and spot-check QA), and another project group handled approx. 300,000 words. I was the language lead for this project and I also worked as on-site tester of the localized product at the end client's facilities in the US.
Translation Объем: 115000 words Выполнен: Oct 2004 Languages: английский => русский
Online training course on the company's internal control system.
The project involved translation of html files with training materials and tests. I also translated the text for the course presentation, and the voice recording was done by the end client.
Бухгалтерский учет, Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом), Административное управление, менеджмент
Положительный member : Perfect collaboration. It has always been a pleasure to work with Oleg, including on this project. He is a real pro.
Translation Объем: 40000 words Duration: Oct 2003 to Aug 2005 Languages: английский => русский
A series of projects on legal subject, mainly corporate lawsuits
The materials mainly concerned lawsuits involving large corporations in Russian Federation and other CIS countries. The deadlines were hectic sometimes, but other than that, I enjoyed this work a lot.
(Total wordcount is approximate.)
Translation Объем: 500000 words Duration: Sep 2003 to Dec 2004 Languages: английский => украинский
Content localization for a large consumer electronics portal
Translation (and later mostly editing/review) of product descriptions, marketing campaign materials, Web interface and content for the company online club, including hi-tech news and tips; the list of products includes TV/monitors, notebooks, audio-video products, digital cameras and camcorders, cellphones, game consoles, entertainment robots, recording media, etc.
(Total wordcount is approximate.)
Носители информации / Мультимедиа, Маркетинг / Изучение рынков, Электроника / Электротехника
Комментарии отсутствуют.
Отзыв коллеги:
Uliana Didych: Quite effective cooperation; in earnest about details and language quality Maria Sydir: Комментарии отсутствуют.
Payment methods accepted
Банковский перевод
Company size
10-25 employees
Year established
Представленные образцы переводов: 2
английский => русский: Translation of a telecom manual.
Текст оригинала - английский The network topology structure, i.e. the geometrical layout of network nodes and transmission lines, reflects the physical connection of the network. The performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness of a SDH network depend largely on its topology structure.
The network topology structure basically includes five types --- namely chain, star, tree, ring and mesh. Refer to figure 1.1 Chain Networks
1.1 Chain Networks
Chain networks are such topology in which all nodes are connected in a chain, and the two nodes at both ends open (if these two nodes are directly connected with each other with no nodes between them, this is called a point-to-point structure ).
In such a structure, in order to establish a service connection between any two non-adjacent nodes, all of the nodes in between these two nodes should cooperate to enable the transmission of the service.
Перевод - русский Топологическая структура сети, т.е. геометрическое расположение сетевых узлов и линий передачи, отображает способ физического соединения узлов в сети. Эффективность, надежность и рентабельность оптоволоконной сети стандарта SDH в значительной мере зависят от ее топологической структуры.
Разделяют пять основных типов топологической структуры сети, а именно: цепной, радиальный, древовидный, кольцевой и ячеистый. Рассмотрим рис. 1.1 "Цепные сети".
1.1 Цепные сети
Цепная сеть представляет собой топологическую структуру, в которой все узлы соединены в цепочку и два узла на концах цепочки открыты (если эти узлы непосредственно связаны между собой без промежуточных узлов, то такая структура называется двухточечной).
В структуре такого типа для установления связи между любыми двумя несоседними узлами необходима поддержка всех узлов, находящихся в цепи между ними, чтобы обеспечить передачу служебных сигналов.
английский => украинский: Translation of a legal agreement.
Текст оригинала - английский The [State institution] and the publishing company [company], agreeing on the need for international cooperation in the preservation and publication of archival materials and based on a striving for the mutually beneficial unification of informational, intellectual, financial and technical capabilities for the implementation of projects which may be of interest to the world community, acting in accordance with Parties’ national legislation and the principles of international law, have agreed on the following:
1. The Parties’ objectives shall be the implementation of cooperation related to the joint scientific development of archival collections, ensuring the preservation, utilization and publication of the documents from the archival collection of [country], the preparation of catalogues and information guides (finding aids), including inter-archival, to the archival collections of the state archives of [country] in electronic format and in microform.
Перевод - украинский [Державна установа] та видавнича компанія [компанія], погоджуючись щодо необхідності міжнародної співпраці в галузі збереження та видання архівних матеріалів, керуючись прагненням до взаємовигідного об’єднання інформаційних, інтелектуальних, фінансових і технічних можливостей для втілення проектів, які можуть представляти інтерес для світового співтовариства, діючи у відповідності до національного законодавства Сторін та засад міжнародного права, уклали між собою цю Угоду про наступне:
1. Метою Сторін є здійснення співпраці в напрямку спільних наукових розробок архівних фондів, що забезпечуватимуть збереження, використання та публікацію документів з архівних колекцій [країни], підготовку каталогів та інформаційних довідників (пошукових покажчиків), в тому числі міжархівних, по архівних колекціях державних архівів в [країні], як в електронному форматі, так і у вигляді мікрофільмів.
Образование в области перевода
Master's degree - Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Переводческий стаж, лет: 22. Дата регистрации на Apr 2002.
английский => украинский (Ivan Franko National University of L'viv, verified) русский => украинский (Ivan Franko National University of L'viv, verified)
Professional English-Ukrainian translator and QA specialist since 2002. Primary areas of expertise:
* Software and website localization
* Consumer electronics, home and office appliances
* International economics
Active working fields:
* Law and contracts
* Marketing materials
* NGOs, public and social issues
* Defence/Military subjects.
Areas of interest:
* History (World, Europe, Ukraine)
* Fiction (Adventure, Fantasy, other)
* Sports (Martial arts, Extreme sports)
Specialist's degree (basically equal to MA) in International Economics and Translation, Lviv State University, Ukraine, 1998.
Certificate in Military Translation (w/o degree), Lviv Military Institute (a subdivision of the State University "Lvivska Polytechnika").
Working as part-time and full-time translator locally since 1997. Freelance translator at the global market since 2002, owner and manager of Ukrainian Translation Studio since late 2003.
Please feel free to ask for references.
Both Russian and Ukrainian are my native languages.
Daily translation output: 3,000 words on the average.
I am also capable of handling larger projects with the help of my local team of qualified in-house translators.
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