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Lexicon economic englez-român Dragoş Vlad Topală, Silvia Pitiriciu английский => румынский
Lexiconul, publicat în 2004, reprezintă ediţia a II-a revăzută şi adăugită a Dicţionarului economic englez-român (Editura Economică, 1990)....
5 (1 entry)
Lietuvių-olandų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas Rasa Mikalauskaitė голландский => литовский
литовский => голландский
Dit woordenboek was oorspronkelijk bedoeld voor Litouwse studenten Nederlands, maar het is evenzeer interessant voor Nederlandstaligen die een studie ...
Lo zingarelli-Vocabolario della lingua italiana Zingarelli, Nicola итальянский
Un grand dictionnaire pour plonger dans les nuances de la langue italienne.
5 (1 entry)
Longman Active Study Chinese English Dictionary Chan Sin Wai английский => китайский
Longman pronunciation dictionary J. C. Wells английский
Pronunciation is not only an extremely important skill on Interpreters, but also an useful tool for translators in order to categorize words and reach...
Making dictionaries: Preserving Indigenous Languages of the Americas edited by William Frawley, Kenneth C. Hill, Pamela Munro английский
Many indigenous Americal languages face imminent extintion, and the dictionary, often the only written documentation of these languages, stands as a p...
Manual de estilo de la lengua española MELE 3 José Martínez de Sousa испанский
El Manual de estilo permite al traductor (como también a escritores, revisores, etc.) a redactar correctamente y despejar todo tipo de dudas del idio...
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 11th Edition Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore Baumeister, Ali Sadegh английский
Solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily with the world's leading engineering handbook Nearly 1800 pages of mechanical engineering ...
Mastering French business vocabulary Bernard Gillmann and Martin Verrel французский => английский
Over 5,400 business terms translated from French to English and arranged by subject matter for quick and easy use. Twenty-five business categories in...
4 (1 entry)
Means Spanish/English Construction Dictionary Means (Editor) английский => испанский
Bilingual dictionary of basic construction terms, plus terms for explaining construction emergencies.