Powwow Report for Argentyna - Buenos Aires (Apr 19)

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Report from  Angela Luana Zalazar Aguirre
Last Friday, the ProZ.com team organized a birthday powwow in Buenos Aires, Argentina to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ProZ.com.

The celebration included gifts for everyone and an exciting raffle that kept the party going and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Marcela Adad
Valeria Vitale
Roberto Tokuda
Lisandro Cazzoli
Karina Pelech
Mariana Solanet
Andrea Quintana
Sara Daitch
Noemí Victoria Contartese
Gabriela Iacoboni
Lucia Leszinsky
Sebastian Wasserzug
Maria Eugenia Torres
Emmanuel Nardacchione
María Belén Di Memmo
Magdalena Godoy Bonnet
Luisina Sagula
Angela Luana Zalazar Aguirre
Emily Ann McKelvey
Brian Seimandi
Juan Ignacio Castillo
Laura Rucci
Santiago García Romero

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

No postings yet made in this powwow.