This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jan 28, 2022 08:32
2 yrs ago
27 viewers *
Russian term

корпус (please see the explanation)

Russian to English Other Other residentual houses
Уважаемые коллеги, простите, что поднимаю этот вечный вопрос снова. Читал обсуждение по ссылке ниже и многие другие. Можно ли перевести "корпус" (здания) как-то иначе, чем "building", "block", "section" и "korpus"? Есть ли у кого-нибудь идея, как перевести это для носителей английского языка, которые могут не знать российских реалий нумерации домов (не для почтальонов и не для туристов)?

Dear colleagues, I'm sorry for raising this thrice-told topic once more. I've read the discussion below as well as several others. Is it possible to translate "корпус" (of a building) in other way(s) besides "building", "block", "section", and "korpus"? I'd be glad if someone has an idea of the way to translate "корпус" for English speakers who may not know Russian address structure (not for postmen or tourists)

Below are description of the reasons why I can't use the commonly used translations

- "bulk" seems to be the most relevant at the moment but I'm not sure if native speakers will understand things like "Bulk Two" and "another bulk" correctly regarding the ambuguity of this word ( If you are sure they will, no problem.

-I can't use "korpus"/"corpus" because I'm translating a video for English speakers, not an address.
-I can't use "building" because the building company officially refers to the building complex including several "korpuses" as a "building"
-I can't use "block" or "section" because they are used for "квартал" (a group of buildings bounded by four streets) and "подъезд" ("a part of a residential building or riser blocks of flats behind one of several entrances"), respectively, and often understood as such.
-If I use a long descriptive translation, the translated phrases are likely to be twice as long as they are in Russian which is not good for a future voiceover.


Tatiana Gusarova Jan 29, 2022:
Можно использовать "section" or "building section". Я понимаю, что такой вариант не является самым уместным, но всё же близок по смыслу.
Rachel Douglas Jan 28, 2022:
To my American ear, "block" sounds strictly British. We say "apartment building," they say "block of flats." I could be wrong, if "block" has become popular here, but in areas or media I don't frequent, in recent decades.

I agree with Mikhail that the main address should be called a "complex" and each корпус a "building." If the customer insists on "building" for the whole complex, then maybe you could wriggle away with some not terribly standard term like "subsection" (seeing as how, for some reason, they want to call a block [квартал] a section already.

Definitely not "bulk."
Andrew Tishin (asker) Jan 28, 2022:
@Boris Shapiro, The Misha
Спасибо за комментарии, наверное, этое лучший вариант в данной ситуации
The Misha Jan 28, 2022:
Boris +1 Not only that, but Block A, B, etc. is a standard enough designation in such cases that is universally understood pretty much everywhere. My most recent personal experience with it was this past December, in some modern-day Cheryomushkies on the outskirts of Bucharest. And hey, Romania is not even a particularly English-speaking country:)
Boris Shapiro Jan 28, 2022:
Не вижу проблем с использованием block. Как только оно получит уточнение (Block A, B etc), - да и хотя бы просто из контекста - любая полисемия с "кварталом" будет тут же снята.
Andrew Tishin (asker) Jan 28, 2022:
Just tell them they're wrong :)

Thanks for a good joke, Mikhail. They will definitely invest their money to rename it. :)
Boris Shapiro Jan 28, 2022:
Что бы там ни было, bulk в контексте нумерации домов (а не структуры постройки) тут вообще ни при чём.
Mikhail Kropotov Jan 28, 2022:
Simply "building" would be perfect You said:
"I can't use "building" because the construction company officially refers to the building complex including several "korpuses" as a "building"."
Just tell them they're wrong :)
Andrew Tishin (asker) Jan 28, 2022:
Вы абсолютно правы, Михаил. Просто не хотел делать свой вопрос ещё более громоздким. Встречается в фразах типа "Во втором корпусе проданы почти все квартиры, а в первом - около трети", "Этот корпус Дар-Билдинга на несколько этажей выше того", "Окна этого корпуса выходят во двор" и т.п.
Mikhail Kropotov Jan 28, 2022:
It would be easier to offer a solution if you could provide the immediate context, i.e. the specific sentence this word is used in and a couple of sentences before and after.
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