ProZ.com Newsletter
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(1) Welcome new ProZ.com members!
(2) Biljana Stojanovic: Translator, engineer, scientist
(3) Welcome new members of the ProZ.com site team
(4) How do your top three look?
(5) Strategies for meeting your next new client
(6) Upcoming powwows
(1) Welcome new ProZ.com members!
Welcome new ProZ.com members!
The ProZ.com mid-year membership campaign came to a close last week. The ProZ.com site team would like to welcome all the new members who joined during the campaign, and say thank you for investing in your business through membership!
Prize winners from the campaign should be announced shortly, stay tuned!
The ProZ.com site team is here to partner with you in reaching your professional objectives and finding success, and the team is growing in order to reach all members (see more below!).
When working in SDL Trados Studio, are you making the most of its quality assurance functionality? Learn how to reduce translation errors and enhance quality in a webinar presented by José Blanco, co-founder and localization consultant at Locdep. https://www.sdltrados.com/events/webinars/2019/july/demystifying-quality-assurance-in-sdl-trados-studio-2019.html
June SDL TGB: 45% off SDL Trados Studio 2019 Freelance + BaccS Lite for free
This offer provides a huge saving on the market-leading translation software, SDL Trados Studio 2019 Freelance, and includes BaccS Lite for free.
(2) Biljana Stojanovic: Translator, engineer, scientist
Biljana Stojanovic: Translator, engineer, scientist
Biljana Stojanovic is an English to Serbian translator specializing in chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and engineering. She is a ProZ.com member and part of the Certified PRO Network (CPN).
I started as a freelance translator when I was almost 50. After 25 years of work in the Pharmaceutical industry, participation in scientific projects, development of new drugs, a lot of analytical experiments and document creation, I decided to change careers and to do something that I always wanted: to translate. So I left the “safe” job and finished the one-year seminar for scientific, technical and court translators. It helped me to gain confidence, but not to find jobs. I started translating various materials for my friends and acquaintances, but it was far from enough to make a living.
Almost two years passed, with very meager results. Then I realized I had to change something. I browsed the web and discovered very useful posts, podcasts, and webinars (Thank you very much, Corinne McKay, Tess Whitty, Marta Stelmaszak, and, of course, Dmitry Kornyukhov!) That was it, I was not alone anymore… About a year ago I discovered ProZ.com, and I think it was the beginning of my new career.
Read more stories »
New CafeTran Espresso 2018 Acua is ready! Translate faster and easier with auto-suggestion, auto-assembling, machine translation, and with the connection to KudoZ terminology or your favorite web resources.
Accept jobs from clients who use other CAT tools. Download and start using CafeTran Espresso -- for free -- today!
(3) Welcome new members of the ProZ.com site team
New members of the ProZ.com site team, partnering for success
A new development this year at ProZ.com has been a focus on partnering for success with members. This means, in part, that every paying ProZ.com member will be able to receive personal, personalized, and ongoing attention in meeting and exceeding their business goals using ProZ.com, from one or more members of the ProZ.com team.
Of course, to help make this possible, the ProZ.com team had to grow.
Meet Julieta, Mariano, Hayjor, Andrea, Ezequiel, and not just one but two Rocíos, the latest additions to the ProZ.com site team, joining the community from the La Plata, Argentina office.
If you are a ProZ.com member, the ProZ.com team is dedicated to helping you find success. To meeting your business goals. To putting you in touch with like-minded individuals who can help you along in your professional journey. To working with you one-on-one to help make sure ProZ.com is working for you the way you need it to. The team will also work to inspire you to look beyond set objectives, to your untapped potential. Because when you succeed, ProZ.com succeeds. The ProZ.com team looks forward to delivering on the new, enhanced mission and to better serving you in the site's 20th year, and in the years to come.
Not yet tried Déjà Vu X3? Give it a go now:
Try out our 30-day fully functional free demo and discover its unique features, including the best fuzzy match repair module utilizing termbases, TMs and MT engines or the most intuitive and reliable terminology management system. Achieve high-quality work easily and efficiently!
(4) How do your top three look?
How do your top three look?
On ProZ.com, most work gets passed through the directory. Clients search for specialists, evaluate their profiles, and contact candidates directly, using directory or profile messages.

So the first three things a potential client will see when they come across you in the directory are your profile picture, the name you use on the site, and your tagline. This is your chance at a first impression, to attract a client's attention and get them to come to your profile to see more about what you have to offer.
- Profile picture: Camera-facing shots where your face can be clearly seen, with a smile, work best.
- Name: Use your first and last name. Remember you are representing yourself professionally, and clients like to know who they are dealing with.
- Tagline: Try to summarize what makes you stand out in your area(s) of expertise or otherwise makes you different. No need to state your language pairs, since directory searches are done by language pair already. Your tagline is your mini-elevator pitch to clients to bring them to your profile to see more.

Good clients are looking for specialists. They also like to see indications that you are a real person and a real professional. If your services, experience, and other relevant information is not clearly and attractively displayed in your profile, there are some clients who may not even bother contacting you to ask for more information.
Check to see what your profile looks like to a potential client visiting it: https://www.proz.com/?sp=profile&sp_mode=profile&visitor=1
Process management and control, high cost transparency, networked teamwork,
higher quality – a business solution.
Corporate Language Management powered by STAR CLM
Watch the short video for more information on STAR CLM functionality and usage:
(5) Strategies for meeting your next new client
Strategies for meeting your next new client
During the month of July, six free webinars are scheduled that are designed to help you increase your new client contact using ProZ.com. If you have not already attending one of the "Meeting clients" webinars, now is a good time to register for a date that works for you, and get tips and feedback from a member of the ProZ.com site team that can help you find your next new client at ProZ.com:

Splash into Summer with Wordfast Server
Are you a freelancer with a bit of computer savvy? Why not dip into Wordfast Server? This enterprise software can be used for free for up to 3 simultaneous connections. Check out our Wordfast Server playlist on YouTube to find out more:
(6) Upcoming powwows: Germany, US, Spain, UK, Brazil, Madagascar
25: Augsburg, Germany (9 members)
http://proz.com/powwow/692329: Los Angeles, US (1)
5: Granada, Spain (10)
http://proz.com/powwow/69686: Cardiff, UK (8)
http://proz.com/powwow/69656: Ava, US (1)
http://proz.com/powwow/697020: Birmingham, UK (14)
http://proz.com/powwow/694124: Oxford, UK (2)
http://proz.com/powwow/697427: Edinburgh, UK (10)
3: Antananarivo, Madagascar (1)
http://proz.com/powwow/695215: São Paulo, Brazil (11)
http://proz.com/powwow/6955Full list of powwows (including those after Jun:
Thank you for tuning in. The year is already half way over! What is on your todo list for the second half of 2019?
Happy translating,
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