| ProZ.com Newsletter: May 2012 « return to the newsletter archive
The translation workplace |
--------------------- ProZ.com Newsletter ---------------------
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(1) Mid-year report to ProZ.com members published (2) Take your translation business to new ground (3) memoQ virtual day 2012 - May 31st (4) Has your quality assurance process changed? (5) Localization spotlight: the Dutch team (6) Program for ProZ.com SDL Trados virtual event, June 20th (7) Translators without Borders seeks volunteers for Wikipedia (8) Final countdown to ProZ.com Barcelona conference (9) Congrès ProZ.com le 7 et 8 septembre à Lyon (10) IV Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do ProZ.com (11) II Conferencia Latinoamericana en Lima - Perú (12) Free webinars in June (13) Upcoming powwows
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Mid-year report to ProZ.com members published ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The ProZ.com mid-year report to members for 2012 was published at the beginning of May. It is a report on news and advancements at ProZ.com in the first half of 2012. Thank you to all ProZ.com paying members for making accomplishments such as those described in the report, and much more, possible.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) Mid-year membership campaign now underway, with discounts on membership and prizes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Over the years, serious freelance translators, interpreters, and other language professionals have used ProZ.com to open up new horizons in their businesses. If you are a freelancer, you are also at the helm of your own business, and it is up to you to steer that business in the direction you want to go. Entire careers have been launched here. Careers already underway have gone on to new heights.
From now until June 14th you can join ProZ.com as a professional member at a discount over the regular price, and have the chance to win some great prizes for translators.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Attend Kilgray's first virtual conference on May 31st and save 42% on memoQ!
Basic and advanced memoQ trainings, memoQ tips and tricks, interoperability with other tools, terminology and translation memory management, and much more. Join us on May 31st!
Download the full-featured 45-day trial version from http://www.kilgray.com ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Attend Kilgray's first virtual conference May 31st & recharge your translation business!
Presentation topics will cover introductory and advanced courses for language service providers, interoperability with other tools, terminology and translation memory management, and much more. Join us on May 31st!
Download a trial version at http://www.kilgray.com ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) memoQ virtual day 2012 - May 31st - Panel discussion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"What makes a good translator?" Attend this panel discussion to hear what translation industry players think are the requirements for a translator to get work.
Does it matter where you graduated and how many words you have translated? What makes a good translator? Flexibility, experience with CAT tools, speed, knowledge, enthusiasm, passion for translation, precision - any or all of these?
Register for the Virtual memoQ day, submit your questions to the panel and get the most out of this discussion.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ SDL Translation Games: ROUND 2
Measure your consistency on the Javelin runway and play for a chance to win another iPad. http://www.translationzone.com/translationgames
Maximize your consistency through the use of innovative features in SDL Trados Studio 2011 and save up to 35% off, plus get SDL MultiTerm Extract free http://www.proz.com/tgb/635 ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Measure your consistency on the Javelin runway and play for a chance to win another iPad.
To go with the games we have brought back the popular 3 for 2 offer! Get 3 Studio 2011 Professional licenses for the price of 2 and if you are upgrading save 10% off all listed upgrades.
http://www.translationzone.com/translationagencygames ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) How are translators adjusting their quality assurance processes? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A recent quick poll asked translators to share how often they adjust their quality assurance processes. See what others are saying, and participate in the discussion on methods and tools for ensuring translation quality.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Atril Déjà Vu X2 - Other tools have users, Déjà Vu has fans. Test Déjà Vu X2 now – 30-day free trial version available at http://www.atril.com ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Atril TEAMserver - Empower your teams with TEAMserver the most effective and affordable all-in-one solution on the market!
Learn more here http://atril.com/en/node/343 ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Localization spotlight: the Dutch team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This month's spotlight is on the Dutch localization team:
Henk Peelen -- http://www.proz.com/profile/31907 m onneweer -- http://www.proz.com/profile/684686 Yvonne Glasbergen -- http://www.proz.com/profile/787960 SarahCimmermans -- http://www.proz.com/profile/131339
This is what Henk Peelen, the team leader, had to say about the project:
"I think the localization project makes sense. I like the idea of a lingua franca, an "umbrella language", which makes world-wide communication possible, but also appreciate the cultural richness and (personal) importance of any other language, especially for its native speakers.
I hope one day the general parts of the site will be really available in my native language. "Native" more or less means "born", so it must be kept alive and nurtured."
Each month, the ProZ.com newsletter will feature an article highlighting one of the ProZ.com localization teams and the work they are doing to bring the ProZ.com site to their native languages. If you are a ProZ.com member and you would like to join a localization team in your native language, contact site staff to volunteer.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Get access to a world-class CAT tool and hundreds of daily job postings – all for one low subscription fee. Take a look at the GeoWorkz Marketplace and then sign up to try Translation Workspace and GeoWorkz free for one month.
http://bit.ly/gcqxpM ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Boost and track your productivity, securely share TMs across the globe, and reply to hundreds of daily job postings – all for one low subscription fee. Take a look at the GeoWorkz Marketplace and then sign up to try Translation Workspace and GeoWorkz free for one month.
http://bit.ly/i4igTh ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) Full program available for ProZ.com's 2012 SDL Trados virtual event, June 20th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The full program is now available for the upcoming SDL Trados 2012 virtual conference, hosted by ProZ.com. The event will take place on June 20th. This virtual event features over ten hours of SDL Trados expert-led sessions, geared towards helping attendees learn about the solutions SDL has to offer translation professionals.
Sessions at this entirely free virtual event include:
* "Dreaming of more vacation time? Here are some tips to help you take your translation business to the next level and grow your revenue," presented by Marian S. Greenfield
* "Bringing your past into your future: Building your translation memory"
* How to upgrade from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio 2011 and serve customers in mixed project scenarios
* Translate something new: software! (software localization)
Register today to stay informed about and to attend this free ProZ.com virtual event.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Solve your translation problems with multilingual concordancers. Benefit from the hard work of other language professionals! Check out our online reference tools, WeBiText (free! http://www.webitext.com ) and TransSearch (subscription-based: http://www.tsrali.com ), to get translations in context and improve your productivity. http://www.terminotix.com ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7) Wikiproject Medicine, Wikimedia Canada and Translators without Borders seek volunteers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wikiproject Medicine, Wikimedia Canada and Translators without Borders have launched a project to improve 80 critical Wikipedia articles on health care, translate them into simple English, and from there into as many other languages as possible.
Translators without Borders is looking for professional volunteers with experience in medical translations to work on this project, which is expected to bring important health care information into languages where it is not yet widely available.
The project has been launched in 14 languages so far: Bengali, Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog and Turkish.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Save 35% on Wordfast PRO - ProZ.com members can take advantage of even greater savings on the industry’s most affordable TM tool. Visit http://www.proz.com/tgb/625 to purchase your Wordfast PRO 3.0 license through ProZ.com’s translator group buy and save up to 35% with packages including training. ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (8) Final countdown to the 2012 ProZ.com international conference: Barcelona, June 9th and 10th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There are only a few weeks left to register for the largest Proz.com event ever held in Spain. With over 120 translation professionals registered to attend this event, this is one you won't want to miss.
This conference will feature presentations on topics surrounding the theme: “The freelance translator as a professional CEO” including:
Konstantin Kisin -- http://www.proz.com/trainer/82508 -- a legal, financial and video game translator, will speak about negotiations and communication skills in an entertaining session to "empower freelancers to achieve their business objectives with ease."
Xosé Castro -- http://www.proz.com/trainer/32223 -- a translator, proofreader and copywriter, will share his expertise on the tools, strategies and creativity needed to find new clients as translators, or in his own words, as "micro-companies".
These are just two examples of what is awaiting conference attendees. Visit the conference page for full program and speaker information.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (9) Congrès ProZ.com le 7 et 8 septembre à Lyon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Le programme du cinquième congrès ProZ.com le 7 et 8 septembre à Lyon est en cours de finalisation, les inscriptions vont bientôt s'ouvrir ! Vous pouvez d'ores et déjà regarder la première version sur le site du congrès, tout en sachant que nous vous réservons de belles surprises...
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer, d'apprendre et de s'amuser ensemble à Lyon cet automne :
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (10) IV Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do ProZ.com - Rio de Janeiro, 21, 22 e 23 de setembro de 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A Conferência tem o intuito de promover todos os setores da tradução, proporcionando novos aprendizados, discussões, aprimoramento técnico, networking, conhecimento de mercado e, é claro, momentos de alegria e descontração com colegas de profissão.
O Rio de Janeiro é conhecido pelas suas belezas naturais e pelas noites animadas, principalmente embaladas pelo samba. No entanto, hoje, o Rio já é palco de grandes negócios que movimentam contratos importantes e entrou definitivamente no eixo de negócios do Brasil e do mundo com os eventos internacionais de grande porte que acolherá: a Copa de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.
Aproveite a oportunidade para aprender com profissionais tarimbados e descontrair com os colegas de profissão. Venha rever amigos antigos, conhecer outras pessoas e conversar pessoalmente com aquele colega com o qual você só tem contato virtualmente. Programe sua vinda com antecedência para aproveitar melhores condições de traslado e hospedagem e poder se organizar para conhecer a Cidade Maravilhosa. É o momento de abrir uma pausa na agenda de trabalho para se renovar.
A organização da Conferência e o ProZ terão imenso prazer em recebê-los, bem como nosso Keynote Speaker: Renato Beninatto (www.l10n411.com/ ) e nossa Mestre de Cerimônias: Isabel Vidigal -- http://www.proz.com/profile/93899
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (11) II Conferencia Latinoamericana de Traducción e Interpretación en Lima - Perú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Todos están invitados a este hermoso país a participar en la continuación de lo que fue la primera Gran Conferencia Latinoamericana de Traducción realizada en Uruguay. Seguiremos poniéndonos al día con respecto a nuevas herramientas para impulsar nuestro negocio, uso de redes sociales, repaso de lo básico, manejo de riesgos, importancia del profesionalismo y lo que esto significa. Escucharemos charlas de profesionales expertos en áreas como minería y medicina además de interesantes anécdotas de intérpretes y traductores.
Tendremos colaboradores de España, Argentina, Perú, Uruguay... y alguna que otra sorpresa.
Compartamos lo que sabemos y aprendamos más.
En noviembre 2012, la cita es en Lima, Perú. ¡Bienvenidos todos!
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Fluency Translation Suite – Not all tools are created equal.
Simple. Sophisticated. So much more.
Find out more at http://www.fluencytranslation.com ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ The Fluency Virtual LSP – Work like you've always wanted to.
Expand your Business. Improve your Bottom Line. Use the Fluency Virtual LSP.
Find out more at http://www.fluencytranslation.com ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (12) Free webinars in June ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Getting started in translation" - June 5th - Learn how to become a professional translator and how to use ProZ.com to pursue translation as a career.
"Expanding your translation business" - June 12th - Learn how to use ProZ.com to expand your translation business.
"Risk management for freelance translators and interpreters" - June 26th - Learn about risk management procedures that freelance translators and interpreters can follow when doing business.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ We are pleased to announce the release of XTM Cloud v6.2, the latest version of our web-based CAT tool & translation management system.
Features full integration with Asia Online Language Studio, expanded customer functionality and performance boosts.
Sign up for a free 30-day trial at http://www.xtm-intl.com/trial
XTM: Better Translation Technology ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (13) Upcoming powwows: Indonesia, Croatia, Norway, Spain, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
26: Jakarta, Indonesia (47 members) http://proz.com/powwow/4168
2: Zagreb, Croatia (9) http://proz.com/powwow/4286 8: Rosendal, Norway (4) http://proz.com/powwow/4235 8: Barcelona, Spain (56) http://proz.com/powwow/4258 9: Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico (36) http://proz.com/powwow/4184 10: Barcelona, Spain (39) http://proz.com/powwow/4264 15: Vienna, Austria (9) http://proz.com/powwow/4250 15: Minsk, Belarus (11) http://proz.com/powwow/4283 16: Lyon, France (15) http://proz.com/powwow/4255 16: Cardiff, UK (6) http://proz.com/powwow/4274 23: Curitiba, Brazil (5) http://proz.com/powwow/4234 30: Porto, Portugal (20) http://proz.com/powwow/4201
1: Edinburgh, UK (25) http://proz.com/powwow/4238 7: Barcelona, Spain (15) http://proz.com/powwow/4243 13: Regensburg, Germany (8) http://proz.com/powwow/4229
Full list of powwows (including those after May: http://www.proz.com/?sp=event/powwow_board&r_id=485
ProZ.com membership is a small investment that can be a giant leap in a translator's business.
http://www.proz.com/membership/campaign/ ============================================================
Thanks for reading, and a big welcome to all the new ProZ.com members who have joined during the current campaign. Until next time, happy translating!
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