Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 28 '23 eng>rus CDB's A/R CDB (Code of conduct in regards to due diligence for banking) pro closed ok
4 May 28 '23 ita>rus TOFF Traded Options and Financial Futures pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '19 ita>rus Avanzo primario отношение расходов и расходов бюджета за вычетом стоимости обслуживания долга pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '19 ita>rus Margine primario di struttura отношение собственного капитала к заёмному pro closed no
- Oct 19 '19 ita>rus Componenti straordinarie nette Нетто результат побочной деятельности (внереаоизационные доходы) pro closed ok
- Jun 5 '05 eng>rus reduction of debt overall and receivable days in particular уменьшение общей дебиторской задолженности и особенно ускорение получения платежей pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '04 eng>rus who are significant shareholders in our group См ниже pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered